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But the Human Fertilisation And Embryology Authority (HFEA), which licenses fertility clinics, is running a public consultation to examine whether single-embryo implantation should become the norm.

But the Great Room plant, which had been sung to and swaddled in positive thoughts and words, had increased threefold leaves that fairly vibrated with energy when addressed with song, word or thought. 但是,教室里那株常春藤每天都能听到歌声,沐浴在积极的思想和言语里,竟长到了原来的三倍大,叶子浓绿肥厚,生机勃勃,在我们的歌声里,言语和思想里微微颤动着。
But the Griffin knights are mighty, Lord. They have turned from Elrath, recruited Bone Dragons and armies ripped from the afterlife! 但狮鹫骑士很强大,主人。他们是艾尔拉斯的化身,并招募了骨龙和僵尸部队。
But the Hartford Courant's Roger Catlin wrote: Anyone new to Friends who succumbed to the hype to tune in would have been surprised at how laughless the affair could be. 但是,《哈特福德报》的罗杰·卡特林写道:“任何不熟悉《老友记》、只是受到天花乱坠的宣传的影响才收看《老友记》大结局的观众都会惊讶地发现剧中人物的爱情故事是多么无趣。
But the Holy Spirit will do the work in us. 但是圣灵要在我们里面作这个工。
But the Hong Kong area, Spider Variant 3the first day box office surpasses the field at least 5.5 million HK dollars estimates, obtains 7.38 million HK dollar good result, this also substitutes forZhou XingchiTimeto become the locality to open the picture 而香港地区,《蜘蛛侠3》首日票房更超过业界至少550万港元的估计,取得738万港元的好成绩,这也取代周星驰《功夫》成为当地开画最高纪录,同时亦是香港史上最多戏院(122个银幕)同时上映的电影。
But the Human Fertilisation And Embryology Authority (HFEA), which licenses fertility clinics, is running a public consultation to examine whether single-embryo implantation should become the norm. 但是人类受精和胚胎管理机构(HFEA)正在进行一项公众调查,以确定是否将单胚胎植入作为标准,该机构负责对生育诊所发放许可。
But the IEA believes Opec would be able to meet projections if consuming countries adopted oil-saving policies, especially in the transport sector. 但是,国际能源机构相信,如果石油消费国家采取节油政策,尤其是在运输领域,石油输出国组织将能够满足预期需求。
But the Icelandic outfit hopes to drill to depths of 4km or more, to get closer to the magma that rises towards the surface along local faultlines. 但是,这批冰岛的工作人员希望能够将钻头深入到地下4公里或更远处,这样可以更加接近沿局部的断层线[7]向地表活动的岩浆。
But the Internet bar tabletop advertisement scale effect production namely needs to maximize its advertisement platform also is computer quantity. 而网吧桌面广告规模效应的产生即需要最大化其广告平台也就是电脑数量。
But the Irish are among the heaviest drinkers in Europe, and sales fell by a similar amount in 2003, before the ban. 不过爱尔兰是欧洲最能喝酒的国家之一,在禁烟令实行以前的2003年销售量也下降了差不多的数量。
But the Islamists' green ensign, hoisted over government buildings all over Gaza after they wrested control of the strip this month from forces loyal to Mr Abbas's Fatah party, has been replaced once again by the Palestinians' four-coloured national flag. 而哈马斯的绿旗却在加沙所有政府大楼上高高飘扬,自他们本月从忠实于阿巴斯的法塔赫武装中夺取了加沙控制权后,巴勒斯坦的四色国旗再一次被绿旗所替代。

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