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This earned her 17)enormous popularity and more 18)plum roles.

This dynamic and fascinating game requires skills of navigating in extreme situations. 这款充满活力和富有魅力的游戏要求你在极端危险的情况下运用你的操作技能。
This dynamic development of our desire for meaning is the common basic energy by which we can cross the borders of different arts. 欲望中意义动力的发展是人在不同艺术中得以跨越界域的基本动力。
This dynamic model describes a possible processes of what customer relationship moves from lower to higher relational phases by the four factors i.e. customer value, customer satisfaction, customer trust and switching cost, and displays how a various leve 模型用于描述客户保持的四个决定因素-客户价值、客户满意、客户信任和转移成本,及其如何驱动客户关系不断从低级阶段向高级阶段发展,并在客户关系生命周期的不同阶段建立不同层次客户忠诚,揭示客户保持的四因素之间、四因素与客户忠诚(用重复购买意图、交叉购买意图、价格忍耐力和客户推荐意图四个指标度量)和客户关系生命周期之间、客户忠诚与客户关系生命周期之间的相互关系。
This dynamic union results in a resilient, powerful string that is in a class by itself. 这种动力微结构使得此款球线在同档次球线中显得弹力十足。
This eBook depicts the source, formation and development of Taoism, Taoist legends and celestial beings worshiped by Taoists. 本电子书以大量精美的图片生动地展示了中国道教的形成、发展及道教的神仙传说等,具有一定的艺术鉴赏价值。
This earned her 17)enormous popularity and more 18)plum roles. 这使她得到了众多观众的喜爱以及更多好角色。
This earthkeeper hero, who fought courageously to oppose the destructive practices of large companies and individuals in the Amazon rain forest, advocated a return to sustainable agricultural systems in Brazil. 这位地球卫士英雄勇敢地对破坏亚马逊河热带雨林的大公司和个人行为进行了反对并与之作斗争,在巴西倡导人们恢复可持续的农业生产系统。
This earthquake near Yellowstone Park was just one of nearly a million that happen every year all over the world. 在黄石公园附近发生的地震,仅仅是每年全世界发生的上百万次地震中的一次。
This easement, made between a landowner and a conservation organisation, maintains the private ownership of the property while permanently prohibiting certain types of development. 保护管理权交易由土地所有者和保护组织达成,保留土地的私人财产所有权,同时,永久禁止某些类型的开发活动。
This easy method has good practicability for its relatively high measurement precision. 此方法测量精度较高,方法直观简便,有较强的实用性。
This ebook CD records the dissemination of Islam and show examples of Moslem festivals and activities in China. 本电子书用图片资料的形式讲述了伊斯兰教在中国的传播及穆斯林信众的宗教信仰活动。

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