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Much better to stick with a two-level system of pass and fail, or (if you will insist on such elitism) one extra level of “pass with distinction” for the top quartile.

Much attention has recently been paid to the study of artificial intelligence. 对人工智能的研究已经引起人们的高度重视。
Much attention is paid to sport. 各个公学都很注重体育运动。
Much attention will be focused on this problem. 很多注意力将集中在这个问题上。
Much better pricing than previous NETELLER Card. 汉语翻译:比以前的NETELLER卡片更好的定价。
Much better therefore to take advantage of his current struggles with what appeared to be a worn out, duff set. 在他还在跟旧轮胎挣扎的时候争取优势要好得多。
Much better to stick with a two-level system of pass and fail, or (if you will insist on such elitism) one extra level of “pass with distinction” for the top quartile. 最好还是继续两级方案,即通过和不通过,或者(若坚持精英主义)再为顶尖者增加“优秀通过”这个额外的级别。
Much better trading with individual stocks. We've got a few good setups, check them out by becoming a paying subscriber. 欲更好地交易个股,我们有几个很好的方法,成为付费用户即可获得。
Much bruit, little fruit. 讲空话,不办实事。
Much can be accomplished if you compromise. 如果你能妥协则完成的更多。
Much crime springs from poverty. 许多犯罪崛起于贫穷。
Much cry and little wool. 雷声大,雨点小。

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