Parental influence may have contributed to this lack of confidence.
父母的影响可能造就了这种自信心的缺乏。 |
Parenthetical notations indicate at which level or levels the character has the item in question.
插注标明了该人物在哪一级或哪几级时拥有该物品。 |
Parenthood affected men and women in vividly different ways. The study showed mothers more likely than fathers, or other women, to work part time or take leaves.
承担父母的角色也会以鲜明的不同地方式影响到男性和女性。研究显示,母亲们要比父亲们,或者其它女性更有可能做业余工作,在工作中请假。 |
Parenting eight children is a struggle at best, and sometimes, sometimes I just blow it.
养育八个孩子是人生最好的挑战.有时候,我是说有时候我也做错事情. |
Parents all hope that their chilren are safe and happy all the time.
父母都渴望他们的孩子们平安幸福。 |
Parents also give their children supplements, such as deer antler and ginseng extracts.
家长也不忘给孩子们进补,让他们吃鹿茸、人参精华等营养品。 |
Parents also have the legal right to take up to three years leave from their job to raise their children.
法律也明定父母亲享有最多三年的留职停薪来养育小孩的权利。 |
Parents always love their child but never know how to show it.
父母总是爱自己的孩子,却不知道如何表达。 |
Parents and children shall have right to inherit each other's property.
父母和子女有相互继承遗产的权利。 |
Parents and children think differently on this question.
家长和孩子对这个问题的看法不同。 |
Parents and children were driven asunder by the war.
父母和子女因战争而分离。 |