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A retired ex-British soldier who is bounded in wheelchair for life long but living with his happy family.

A result of safety evaluation was educed according to the rules of credible recognition after a index system in colliery ventilation safety evaluation was established. 摘要运用未确知测度理论建立矿井通风系统安全评价指标体系,构造了未确知测度模型,计算了各评价指标的未确知测度值。
A resulting confession turns the suspect's feeling of moral guilt into legal guilt. 答案:1、许多嫌疑犯相信在缺乏完整的书面供词的情况下,他们的言辞不会作为证据使用,因而主动坦白。
A resurgence of terrorism has put the world in great danger. 恐怖主义再现让全世界饱受威胁。
A resurgence of the wet and windy weather is likely following slacker winds today and could yield up to 25mm of rain in some parts of the country. 湿润和大风天气有可能在今天的微风天气后回潮,有些地区的降雨量可能达到25毫米。
A retailer buys his stock from a wholesale. 2零售商从批发商处购买货物。
A retired ex-British soldier who is bounded in wheelchair for life long but living with his happy family. 介绍:一名以轮椅为伴的退伍华籍英兵但享有一个无比快乐的家庭!
A retired housekeeper and widow from Springfield Garden, Queens, she also takes care of Saidu, a 10-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, and Ivory, a 1-year-old who was born blind and brain damaged. 她是皇后区斯普林菲尔德花园的退休管理员,是个寡妇,她还照看着一个叫赛杜的10岁男孩,也患有脑瘫症,另一个1岁的小孩叫艾弗雷,患有先天性失明和脑损伤。
A retired official, Wang Zhong-da who is Jiang Ze-min’s subordinate unequivocally told me on July.15, 2001 that “…the purpose of the government is to force you to cancel the retrial notify voluntarily that was under your bill which approved by the High Co 江泽民旧属下一个名叫王忠达的退休官员于2001年7月中旬明确地当面告诉我说:“…政府的目的是要逼你自动取消广东省高等法院驳回市中院复覆审的通知!”
A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf. 不应该让退休的人感到自己是个闲人
A retreat in the mountains approachable in winter only by helicopter. 山中的休养处冬天只能有靠直升飞机才可接近
A retro palette of bright orange and deep brown helps bring this narrow kitchen to life. 再次流行的桔红色和深棕色的色彩视觉冲击,让狭窄的厨房焕发生机。

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