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The Cuban experience may have some benefit in high-tech meccas as well.

The Crowson lawsuit turns the privacy debate on its head. 克朗逊之诉让我们得以对隐私之争逆向观之。
The Crucible - All start locations should now be very similar, close to trees with enough room to build. All Goblin Merchant creep camps are now farther off the main path. 所有起始点都将非常相似,靠近树的地方有足够的空间供建造.地精商店变的更远离主要道路.
The Crusader felt that the confidence of the Moslem made him ashamed of his own doubts. 十字军骑士见这位穆斯林教徒这样信他,感到自己刚才对他怀疑,有点不好意思了。
The Crusades were a series of military expaditions made by Christians seeking to free the holy land (the Home Townof Christ) from the Islams. 十字军是一系列由基督徒组织的军事征战,目的是从伊斯兰教徒那里将圣地(也就是基督的老家)解放出来。
The Cuban Foreign Minister says Cuba and Mexico have agreed to exchange ambassadors again. 古巴外交部长说古巴和墨西哥已经达成协议重新互派外交大使。
The Cuban experience may have some benefit in high-tech meccas as well. 古巴经验对于诸多「高科技圣地」国家应该会有助益。
The Cuban leader had planned to attend the public event, which already had been postponed once from his Aug. 13 birthday. 这位古巴领导人计划参加这个已经从他生日8月13日推迟过一次的公共活动。
The Cuban leader's spokesman read a statement Monday saying the handover is temporary. 卡斯特罗在掌权将近50年后第一次移交权力。
The Cubist movement in painting was developed by Picasso and Braque around 1907 and became a major influence[4] on Western art. 绘画史上的立体主义运动是由毕加索和布拉克在1907年左右发起的,逐渐成为西方艺术的主流。
The Cue Tip should be larger in diameter than the ferrule so that it can be properly shaped. Make sure the glue is completely dry before shaping. 粘合上的皮头应该是比先角大上一圈的,待会我们会对它进行切割成型。在切割皮头使其成型前要先确保胶水已经干透。
The Cuisine data includes names, detailed address for dining, characteristic introductions, consumption level and other service introductions. 各地美食资料包括美食名称,用餐详细地址,特色介绍,消费水平及其它服务介绍等.

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