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Bifurcation —— The graphical representation in a phylogenetic tree of an evolutionary eciation event whereby an ancestral taxon lits into two.

Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, 令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,
Bids to take over substantially all the major assets appeared to violate the spirit if not the letter of the agreement. 意欲实质性地统统并购所有的主要资产似乎就有悖于协议的精神。
Biel shares ninth place with 42-year-old Elizabeth Hurley and 66-year-old Raquel Welch . 贝尔与42岁的伊拉莎白·赫利、66岁的拉奎尔·韦尔奇并列第九。
Biennial A plant that completes its life cycle within two years. 二年生植物:在两个生长季内完成全部生活史的植物。
Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus help reduce harmful bacteria and toxins, cleaning up accumulated intestinal waste. The end result is enhanced intestinal health and an improved skin condition. 健康排毒—双岐杆菌和乳酸杆菌能清除积聚肠道的宿便和毒素,促进肠道机能,改善皮肤健康。
Bifurcation —— The graphical representation in a phylogenetic tree of an evolutionary eciation event whereby an ancestral taxon lits into two. 分歧点——在演化的种形成事件中,物种由相同来源一分为二,其在种系发生树中的图示点。
Bifurcation —— The graphical representation in a phylogenetic tree of an evolutionary speciation event whereby an ancestral taxon splits into two. 分歧点——在演化的种形成事件中,物种由相同来源一分为二,其在种系发生树中的图示点。
Big Bad Voodoo [Ultimate] - Turns all friendly units invulnerable in an area around the Shadow Hunter. The Shadow Hunter does not turn invulnerable. 巫毒[终极技能]-把暗影猎手周围的一定范围内的友军变为无敌状态.暗影猎手自身并不变成无敌的.
Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. “大本”钟很少出差错。
Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time. “大本”钟很少出差错。然而有一次,它却把时间报错了。
Big Ben in London has rarely gone wrong. 在伦敦“大本钟”很少出 差错.

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