Many Americans are extremely over weight and seldom exercise.
许多美国人极度超重,很少锻炼。 |
Many Americans are willing to 3)risk big amounts of money, for example, to make even more money.
例如,许多美国人都甘冒损失大笔金额的风险,以求赢得更多奖金。 |
Many Americans believe that murderers should be put to death.
多数美国人认为杀人犯应被处死。 |
Many Americans choose to add sugar to sweeten the drink, or lemon to add to the flavor.
许多美国人会加些糖来增加甜甜的口感或者增加柠檬来加味。 |
Many Americans find silence uncomfortable during a buffet or a formal dinner.
不论在自助餐还是正式宴会上,如果常常冷场,美国人会觉得别扭。 |
Many Americans have roots in Europe.
许多美国人祖籍在欧洲. |
Many Americans respect other's opinion,but do not appreciate being offered unsolicited.
(美国人多半尊重他人意见,但不欢迎未经请求的忠告。) |
Many Americans see their doctor once a year for a complete physical ,or checkup .During a complete physical examination,the doctor checks the patient's pulse and blood pressure.In addition,he may order blood tests and a chest X-ray.When the results of the
许多美国人一年找医生进行一次全面的体检.在全面体检中,医生会检查脉搏和血压.此外,还可能要求血液检验及做X光检查.当这些检查结果出来后,医生会给病人一份有关他或她的全面健康情况报告.医生还可能就保持健康推荐一个健康计划(有关饮食或锻炼). |
Many Americans still think of Vietnam as a war.
很多美国人仍然认为越南还在打战。 |
Many Americans thought slavery was evil, but necessary.
许多美国人认为虽然奴隶制是罪恶的但却是必要的。 |
Many Americans, not least those commuting on crowded highways (where roadrage is common), seem to be on a shorter emotional tether than in the past.
许多美国人,主要是那些每天来往于拥挤的公路上(那里“道路争吵”很常见)上下班的人们,似乎比过去更容易急躁了。 |