Prior to the days of refrigerators and sushi bars, fresh fish were wrapped in cooked rice and pressed between rocks insgroupsto ferment them.
在冰箱与寿司店问世前,人们将新鲜的鱼肉包在煮好的米饭中、压在石头堆里,以使鱼肉发酵。 |
Prior to the decision to initiate an investigation, the government of the exporting country (region) concerned shall be notified.
在决定立案调查前,应当通知有关出口国(地区)政府。 |
Prior to the establishment of a new boiler product, The standards of smoke concentration and blackness for its initial discharge, and data on their testing should be filed with environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provi
锅炉新产品定型前,其初始排放烟尘浓度和烟气黑度标准及其测验数据资料,应当报省辖市级以上人民政府环境保护部门备案。 |
Prior to the fulfillment of the term of protection, the software copyright holder may apply to the software registration administration organization to extend the protection by 25 years, although the period of protection may not exceed 50 years at the lon
保护期满前,软件著作权人可以向软件登记管理机构申请续展二十五年,但保护期最长不超过五十年。 |
Prior to the procedure them men had hormonal and semen analysis. Less than 10% of the men had low testosterone leels.
术前对他们进行激素和精液分析,只有不到10%的人睾酮水平低下。 |
Prior to the rise of the Song and Yuan Dynasty, free style painting, fine brush painting is the main presentation technique of the traditional Chinese paintings.
摘要在宋元文人写意画勃兴前,工笔画是中国传统绘画的主要表现形态。 |
Prior to the spread of this doctrine, December 8 was celebrated as the Conception of Mary, since September 8 is the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.
在这个教义传播之前,12月8日用作庆祝玛丽亚的受孕,因为9月8日是圣母诞生的节日。 |
Prior to the talks, Mr Bush praised the improving US-China relationship and noted both sides are candid about disagreements.
这一言论是对台湾当局领导人陈水扁不顾中国军事威胁,继续推行“公投”的行为发出的正面谴责。 |
Prior to the transfer of rights to the gift property, the donor may revoke the gift.
第一百八十六条赠与人在赠与财产的权利转移之前可以撤销赠与。 |
Prior to the writing of a poem I have a feeling of vague potentiality.
写诗之前我会感到一种模糊的潜能。 |
Prior to these theories, time was widely regarded as absolute and universal, the same for everyone no matter what their physical circumstances were.
在相对论问世前,一般认为时间是既绝对又普适,不论所处物理环境为何,它对每个人都一样。 |