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The supercontinent of Gondwana had just formed and was located near the South Pole.

The super value DDD/IDD rates of 197 will make your communication expenditures more cost-effective without sacrificing voice quality. 同时197提供的优良的通话品质还可以让您的企业能够更加把握商机,在激烈的市场竞争中成为行业的佼佼者!
The super-fine aluminum hydroxide is an important green flame retardant inorganic material with multi-function of retarding, suppressing smoke and filling. 摘要超细氢氧化铝具有阻燃、消烟、填充多种功能,是一种重要的无机环保型阻燃材料。
The superb culinary technique make people exclaim. 烹调技术的高超,令人惊叹。
The superb range of amenities on offer, include sauna &massage, outdoor tennis court, gymnasium, billiard room, beauty salon and mahjong rooms. 饭店休闲娱乐设施完善,有棋牌室、桌球室、桑拿中心、美容沙龙、室外网球场、健身房等,茶余饭后您还可以到夜总会一展歌喉,释放自我!
The supercluster-like pipe-type structure is not only the bearing structure for the construction but also determines the space form inside the construction. 超星系团般的管状构筑物,既是建筑的承重结构,又决定着建筑内部的空间形态。
The supercontinent of Gondwana had just formed and was located near the South Pole. 超大陆冈瓦那开始在南极附近形成。
The supercritical fluid extraction of botanical essential oil, a great application of supercritical extraction technique, has been widely studied in recent years. 摘要超临界流体萃取技术是一种高新分离技术,其应用和研究日益广泛。
The superficial epithelia cells do not bind the active ingredient and thus only serve as a transit area. 浅表的上皮细胞并不与活性药物成分结合,因而只是运输区。
The superfluid fraction will not rotate. 变成超流体的氦不会旋转。
The superintendent is hiding something from them. 见到坐著轮椅的女人和神秘的红衣少女。
The superior management team of Jadeite Health is very professional and experienced, and leading one group with abundant experiences in health management aspects. 公司高级管理人员拥有丰富的行业经验和职业特长,并有着一支汇集了具有丰富经验的医疗健康业界专家团体。

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