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Asexual reproduction of moss and its applications

Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Homologous Fragments of Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase(BADH) Gene from Several Compositae Plants 几种菊科植物BADH基因同源片段的克隆与序列分析
A Preliminary Study on the Alien Invasive Plant Species in Baiyun Mountain,Guangzhou 广州白云山外来入侵植物初步研究
Isolation and Identification of Endophytic fungi Strains Producing Flavonoids from Davidia involucrate Baill 珙桐产黄酮内生真菌的分离和鉴定
Characteristics of heteromorphic achenes of Garhadiolus papposus, an ephemeral Asteraceae species, with reference to their adaptations to desert environment 短命植物小疮菊异形瘦果特性及其对荒漠环境的适应
Effects of Certain Amino Acids-Removal on the Rumen Mixed Microbes and Fermentation in vitro 特定氨基酸缺省底物对体外培养混合瘤胃微生物及其发酵的影响
Asexual reproduction of moss and its applications 藓类植物的无性繁殖及其应用
Genomic imprinting and disease 基因组印记与疾病研究进展
Study on the isolation, catabolic capability and molecular phylogeny of a naphthalene degrading bacterium NAP_A 萘降解菌NAP_A的分离、降解性能和分子系统学研究
Observation on the behaviors of wintering waterfowls in artificial wetland at Chongming Dongtan 崇明东滩人工湿地越冬水禽行为观察
Bioinformatics methods for assessment of the reliability of protein interactions 评估蛋白质相互作用可信度的生物信息学方法
Study on the Bioemulsifier Produced by a Hydrocarbon- degrading Strain T7-2 and Its Physic-chemical Properties 烃降解菌株T7-2产生的生物乳化剂及其理化性质研究

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