At the electric company: We would be de-lighted if you send in your bill. However, if you don't you will be.
在电气公司:如果你送来钞票,我们会很高兴;如果你不送,就会被断电。 |
At the emergency room, a nurse checks on your injury and assigns you a place in line to see the doctor.
在急救室,护士检查你的伤势并按顺序安排你看医生。 |
At the end Mr Brown touches on the topic of ignoble valour but he makes no judgment on it beyond saying, “In our discourse on courage, we continually seek to draw distinction between acts of courage and acts of fanaticism, mindless recklessness, fury-driv
布朗在书的最后提到了匹夫之勇,但也止于一句话:谈到勇气,我们一直竭力在真正的勇敢与盲目、鲁莽、恶意报复及其它被误认为勇敢的极端行为之间划清界线。 |
At the end he slips in a little duet where the man having balanced his partner in a neck hold apparently strangles her and leaves her for dead.
结尾的部分,他避开了以往的那种男人扶着女人的脖子保持平衡的二人舞,而是让男人勒住了女人,并让她窒息死去。 |
At the end of '76, Washington assumed that the British were about to cross the Delaware River and capture the capital of the revolution.
1776年年末,华盛顿料定英军将穿越特拉华河并占领革命首都。 |
At the end of 1833, his business burst up again. Then ,He spent almost 16 years for repaying the debt.
同年年底(24岁),再次破产。接下来,他花了16年时间才把债还清。 |
At the end of 1940s, Wright's protégé, James Baldwin, an American black ephebe, advanced an unrelenting criticism of naturalism by Richard Wright, the precursor in African American literary circle.
摘要20世纪40年代末,美国黑人作家詹姆斯?鲍德温对他在文学创作上的引路人、当时美国黑人文学的代表人物赖特进行了猛烈攻击,这一举动符合布鲁姆所说的文学发展进程中的“弑父”行为。 |
At the end of 1982, four brothers of Liu family collected altogether 1,000 Yuan among whom, Chen Yuxin first resigned and returned to Gujia Village, Shunjiang of Xinjin County to establish“Yuxin Fine Breed Plantation”.
1982年底,刘氏四兄弟共同筹资1000元,由陈育新率先辞去公职,回到新津县顺江乡古家村创办“新津县育新良种场”。 |
At the end of 1990s, the startup of Shanghai General Motors program provided an excellent opportunity for us to get involved in th localization of carpet and insulator.
九十年代后期兴建的“上海通用”项目为公司参与汽车地毯及隔音垫国产化提供了契机。 |
At the end of 2003, Yunda successfully completed the marketing and energy-saving promotion planning for the Chengdu Power Bureau during the low water season, designed and produced a lot of promotional materials and souvenirs, and created wide-spread socia
于2003年年底,成功完成了成都电业局枯水期市场营销及节电宣传策划,并为其设计制作了大量的宣传品及纪念品,取得了广泛的社会效益。 |
At the end of 2003, the Fund's exposure to its three largest borrowers - Brazil, Turkey, and Argentina - was more than half the total exposure of international financial institutions to these countries.
2003年年末,国际货币基金组织对其三个最大借贷国巴西、土耳其和阿根廷的借贷总额,比所有国际金融机构对这些国家放贷总额的一半还要多。 |