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The shoulders are long and well angulated to the upper arm, neither in nor out at the elbow.

The shots on TV were taken from a neighbouring room, and from a wrong angle,one hospital official said. 电视台播放的片段是从隔壁房间偷拍的,因为角度的误差,才有这种误会。」
The shots were emailed direct from his handset to a Sunday newspaper's newsdesk, and (in time-honoured tabloid alliterese) the immoral miscreant's extramarital malarkey was all over the media in a matter of minutes. 这些照片立刻从他的手机被传到一家小报的编辑台上,没过多久,这则花边新闻就传遍了各大媒体。
The shoulder and elbow are draped in a manner similar to that described for the hip and knee, respectively. See Chapter 61 for draping for hand surgery. 肩和肘关节铺单分别与髋关节和膝关节铺单方法相似。手部铺单见61章。
The shoulder is another axis of rotation, and this axis is used in computing Shoulder Pull. 由于我们还借助肩膀的力量把球往上拉,肩部可以看成是第二个转动轴。
The shoulder roll is at its maximum angle so that left arm adduction occurs on a stable base. 肩部的旋转达到最大角度以便左臂内收在一个稳定的基底上。
The shoulders are long and well angulated to the upper arm, neither in nor out at the elbow. 肩与前腿成角度,肩需与肘关节在一条直线上。
The shoulders continue to roll. 肩膀继续转动。
The shoulders have rolled to their maximum and are stationary so that adduction of the upper right arm can begin. 肩部的转动达到最大并保持稳定以便于右大臂开始内收。
The shoulders of her jacket were padded out to make them look square. 她那件正颜厉色的肩部衬了垫肩,使肩部看起来很平整。
The shoulders of this blazer look very broad. I don't think it will fit me. 这件西装外套的肩膀看起来好宽,我不认为我穿会合身。
The shoulders of this coat look very broad. I don't think it will fit me. 这件外套的肩膀看起来好宽,我认为我穿不会合身。

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