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Jefferson was the first to use the symbol in relation to the U.S. dollar, but this story is fanciful.

Jefferson County uses a broadly similar system to ensure that black students, who are 35% of the total, make up 15% to 50% of the student mix in every school. 杰佛森郡采用了大致相同的制度,确保占人口总数35%的黑人学生在每个学校的学生比例中占15%-50%。
Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, had been captured! 南方联盟的总统杰佛逊?大卫斯被抓了!
Jefferson asked that only three of his many accomplishments be engraved on his tombstone: Author of the Declaration of American Independence; Author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; and Father of the University of Virginia (he founded, desig 杰弗逊说过,只有三项成就可以刻在他的墓碑上:美国独立宣言执笔人、美国维吉尼亚州保障宗教自由立法提案执笔人,以及维吉尼亚大学之父(他感到骄傲的是,这所在1819年成立的大学,设计、监工全由他一手包办)。
Jefferson drafted The Declaration of Independence, 杰斐逊起草的 《独立宣言》
Jefferson has been charged with racketeering, soliciting bribes and money laundering in an investigation into business deals he allegedly tried to broker in Africa. 据称杰斐逊曾在非洲的数项商业交易中担任中间人的角色,在对这一事件的调查过程中,杰斐逊被控诈骗,索贿及洗钱等罪名。
Jefferson was the first to use the symbol in relation to the U.S. dollar, but this story is fanciful. 杰弗逊首次将这符号与美元联系起来,但这种说法未免有点荒诞。
Jefferson went over to hug Scott before the opening tip-off, and so did Jason Collins. I still have a lot of respect for him,Jefferson said. 杰弗森和科林斯都在赛前和斯格特相拥。“我对他一直保持尊敬。”杰弗森说。
Jefferson's courage and idealism were based on knowledge. 杰斐逊的勇气和理想主义是建立在知识的基础上的。
Jeffery and Eddy became best friends. They had fun with the other children too. Jeffery was glad to have such a big friend. 杰弗瑞和埃迪成了很好的朋友。他们和孩子们玩得很开心。杰弗瑞很高兴能有那么大一个好朋友。
Jeffery and Eddy went to the playground together, and Jeffery learned how to play bigger games. 杰弗瑞和埃迪一起来到操场,杰弗瑞学会了如何玩大游戏。
Jeffery, a young gay man in New York, decides that sex is too much and decided to become celibate. 杰夫里,一个住在纽约的年轻同志,觉得性的问题难以承受,于是决定独身,不再作爱。

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