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On July 2, 1881, President Garfield, unguarded, entered the Baltimore and Potomac Railway station in Washington, accompanied only by Secretary of State James Blaine.

On July 10th the European Union's smallest member took its biggest step north since its entry three years ago. 马耳他国家央行的一位主管迈克尔伯纳罗[2]说到。
On July 14, 1789, during the French Revolution, citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille prison and released the seven prisoners inside. 在1789年7月14日,法国革命期间,巴黎的公民攻占了巴士底狱,释放了里面的七个囚犯。
On July 15th the prime minister is due to head south on a tour that will take him to Colombia, Chile, Barbados and Haiti. 7月15日是加首相开始南部访问的日子,此行将包括哥伦比亚,智利,巴巴多斯以及海地,可以说是行程怪异。
On July 17, in yet another example of how unhelpful the political conversation has become, workers laid out cots and pillows in a marble cloakroom on Capitol Hill as the Senate prepared for an all-night debate on another in a line of doomed-to-fail resolu 在7月17日,在另一场非常无用的政治会议上,当参议院准备为一个注定失败的决议而通宵争辩,工人们摆着床和枕头在国会前的大理石上临时搭着小间。
On July 18, 2005 when they started their internship, Delegation HR held an orientation to introduce Saint Gobain value, code and business to these interns in order to help them integrate Saint Gobain as soon as possible. 7月28日他们开始实习的第一天,为了让他们更快地融入集团,代表处向他们介绍了圣戈班的价值观,规则以及业务情况。
On July 2, 1881, President Garfield, unguarded, entered the Baltimore and Potomac Railway station in Washington, accompanied only by Secretary of State James Blaine. 1881年7月2日,加菲尔德总统没带警卫进了华盛顿的巴尔的摩和波托马克火车站,只有国务卿詹姆斯·布莱恩陪伴。
On July 21, 2005, the People's Bank of China announces that China begins to adopt the regulatory floating exchange rate system, which indicates the end of the fixed exchange rate system and the starting of the floating exchange rate system. 摘要2005年7月21日央行宣布开始实行有管理的浮动汇率制,预示着我国固定汇率制时代的结束,浮动汇率制的开始。
On July 21st the central bank raised lending and deposit rates by only 0.27 percentage points, to 6.84% and 3.33% respectively. 7月21日,央行提升贷款和存款保证金率0.27个百分点,分别调整至6.84%和3.33%。
On July 22nd a 78-year-old woman was rushed to hospital after a pair of scissors, hurled from a multi-storey building, lodged in her skull. 7月22日,由于被一把从多层建筑中抛出的剪刀刺入颅骨,一名78岁的老妪被送入医院救治。
On July 26, 2005, over 500 people died when monsoon rains caused flooding around Mumbai (Bombay), India. 2005年的七月26日,在印度的孟买各地有超过500人死于非命,由季候雨(风)引发的洪涝灾害。
On July 28, 1976 before dawn 3 o'clock 42 minute, Hebei Province east of Hebei Province area Tangshan, abundant south area suddenly had 7.8 magnitude of strong earthquakes Earthquake influence region enormous, in the earthquake died 242,000 people, the se 1976年7月28日凌晨3时42分,河北省冀东地区的唐山、丰南一带突然发生7.8级强地震.地震的影响区域极大,地震中死亡24.2万余人,重伤16.4万余人,轻伤者不计其数。

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