If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
晚上在照明很差的路上行走,应该穿显眼的衣物. |
If you're wearing black pants you should have on black shoes and a black belt.
如果你穿着黑色长裤的话,你应该要穿黑色的鞋子,配黑色的皮带。 |
If you're with 10 young girls (kids) at the same time , people might say you're kind or caring but if you're with two women at the same time , people will call you Cheater.
如果你同时和十个小女孩在一起,人家会说你很有爱心;但是如果你同时和二个女人在一起,人家会说你很花心. |
If you're with someone new, don't hesitate to ask them to go easy.
假如是一个刚认识的朋友,你可以很爽快地请他们放轻松点。 |
If you're working in a corporate setting, you might save your documents on a network drive such as drive F.
可能指在公司这个环境下使用,因为公司多有计算机网络,所以可能将文件存到网络盘上。 |
If you're you and truthfully you, then you only have things to be proud of.
如果你能做你自己,或忠于你自己,那你就只有为自己感到骄傲的份。 |
If you've been keeping to yourself a bit over the past few days, now you're likely to want to get out and share some good times with partners and loved ones once again.
如果你在过去几天有一点坚持自我,现在你或许想要摆脱你的坚持,和你的伙伴分享美好的事物并且再次爱上他们。 |
If you've been raiding with any reasonably knowledgeable warlock lately, you've probably already noticed this.
如果你近来被任何一个经验老道的术士偷袭得手,你将更快的认识到这一点。 |
If you've been watching summer league games you know Butler is hardly NBA material.
若你观看了夏季联赛,那么你就会知道,巴特勒只能勉强达到NBA的水平。 |
If you've been working hard and trying to be very serious and responsible lately, today's a great time to get out and enjoy a little lively socializing.
如果你已经努力工作,而且很认真很负责,那么今天是一个美好的时光,而且你会享受愉快社交生活。 |
If you've ever thought about digging a hole to China, a new Japanese ship might be your best bet.
如果你曾经想过从地底钻个洞直接通到美国,那么,日本有艘探测船可能会是你最棒的选择。 |