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Results: About 11.34% (54/422) junior Ⅰ high school students were IAD sufferers; They had obvious anxiety and displayed more wrapping unsociability and nervousness as compared with the control group.

Results: 36 cases undergoing poor immobilization and excessive movement of fracture ends; 30 cases undergoing serious destruction in blond supply; another 16 cases undergoing infection. 结果:其中36例因为骨折固定不坚固,断端活动过多导致不愈合,30例因为骨折端血运破坏明显引起骨折不愈合,另外还有16例是由于感染所造成。
Results: 39 vesiculograms were obtained from 24 cases and morphological changes were observed in 19 of 39 vesiculograms. 结果:39侧输精管被成功穿刺并行输精管精囊造影,其中19侧精囊有异常的形态学变化。
Results: 47 enterprises were using N-Hexane and 554 workers exposure to N-Hexane; The concentration of N-Hexane in 3 enterprises were exceeded the Occupational Exposure Limit; Achilles's tendon reflex of 3 workers were disappeared; and most of enterprises 结果:昆山市共有47家企业使用正已烷,接触人数共554人;有3家企业正已烷浓度超标;职业性健康检查人数共54人,其中有3人腱反射减退或消失;多数企业职业卫生管理和防护措施落实不到位。
Results: 62 ambushed supernumerary teeth were all extracted successfully under intravenous anesthesia. 结果:62例埋伏多生牙均在静脉麻醉下顺利拔除。
Results: 70 cases were in pregnancy-induced hypertension, perinatal infants dead rate was 28%, and cesarean section rate was 43.5%. 结果200例中,妊娠高血压综合症者70例,围产儿死亡率28%,剖宫产率43.5%。
Results: About 11.34% (54/422) junior Ⅰ high school students were IAD sufferers; They had obvious anxiety and displayed more wrapping unsociability and nervousness as compared with the control group. 结果:约11.34%的学生病理性地使用互联网络,网络成瘾学生存在明显的焦虑情绪,与对照组相比表现得更加掩饰、孤僻与神经质。
Results: According to the target, the teaching of moist burn medicine was divided into 3 parts namely theoretical lessons, skill lessons and comprehensive practicing lessons. 在课时教学过程中可选择两种或两种以上的不同模式的课堂教学目标。
Results: Adverse reactions caused by common Chinese patent medicine involve many organs and systems, and its clinical manifestations are also so much, among them the occurring rate of allergic reactions is higher, especially the injection. 结果:中药不良反应涉及的器官、系统及临床表现较多,其中过敏反应发生率较高,尤其是注射剂。
Results: After Clinic intervention, 1 patient had less regression and 2 patients had coagulant function abnormality. 结果:临床干预后患肢肿胀消退不明显1例,凝血功能异常2例。
Results: After cryofixation,basement membranes of skeletal muscle consisted of only one electron dense layer, T tubules were round, core cylinders were observed in terminal cisternae and there were thread-like protein particles on the membranes of termina 化学固定后,缝匠肌基膜由两层组成:一层电子密度低,另一层电子密度高;横小管为扁平状或哑铃状;终池内仅有一些散在的电子密度高的颗粒,终池膜上有几个脚状突起伸向横小管。
Results: After tests, each experimental fungus can normally grow up. 结果:经试验各实验菌能够正常生长。

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