Mozi represents the small producer benefit, made public stand raises the chisel Deny Artthe thought, established a new school in the pre-qin esthetics thought.
摘要墨子,代表小生产者利益,旗帜鲜明地提出“非乐”思想,在先秦美学思想中独树一帜。 |
Mozi's teaching of the sense of the just corrects the Confucian devotion to the loyal bonds that unite family members, but which can degenerate into a nepotism that provides privileges to family members regardless of their performances.
墨子对公正的理解修正了孔子的思想,孔子认为是忠诚的纽带将一家人团结在一起,但是这种联系可能堕化为裙带关系,为家庭成员提供特权,而无视他们的表现。 |
Mps are pressing for the repeal of the immigration act.
下院议员正在施加压力使移民法得以废止。 |
Mps representing marginal seat are worried about the government's poor show in the opinion poll .
代表边际席位的下院议员对政府在民意测验中的坏的表现表示忧虑。 |
Mr . Scott is a manager of a small stationery shop . He is very bossy .
司哥特先生是一家小文具店的经理.他非常专横. |
Mr .Smith was held up at the last minute , so he asked me to come on his behalf.
史密斯先生临时有急事要处理,他让我替他前来做客。 |
Mr A negotiates with the PRC customer and the said PRC agent directly for price, quantity, quality and shipment of the sales and at the same time delivering of the goods.
先生直接与内地客户及上述中国内地代理人洽谈货价、数量、品质及送货细则,并同时与意大利供应商洽谈货价、数量、生产日期及送货细则。 |
Mr Abbas has sworn in a new government led by a technocrat.
阿巴斯已经在专家政治论者领导下的新政府宣誓。 |
Mr Abbas is now pushing for such a referendum.
阿巴斯先生正在全力推行这样的全民公决。 |
Mr Abbas will shortly face the problem of how to keep his government in place without ratification by the Hamas-dominated parliament.
但近期,阿巴斯将面对在缺少哈马斯控制的议会的许可下,如何保持政府地位这一迫切问题。 |
Mr Abbas's interim government in the West Bank is running the ministries and paying the staff in Gaza too.
西岸阿巴斯的临时政府内阁正在运作,而且也为加沙的职员支付薪水。 |