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Mike Coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head.

Mikael Silvestre admits the sight of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer firing United's winner in the Champions League victory over Celtic was one he never thought he'd see again. 席尔维斯特说,他原以为索尔斯科亚难以再现以前的神勇,但在战胜凯尔特人的冠军联赛比赛中,索尔斯科亚的表现出乎他意料之外。
Mikael Silvestre had not been selected for the French squad. 席尔维斯特未入先法国队大名单。
Mikan eclipsed 20 points per game through the next four seasons before injuries began taking their toll. 在受伤前的4个赛季,麦肯平均每场得分20以上。
Mike : No, just informal dress is fine. 麦克:不要,只要平常的服装就好。
Mike : Why all the hustle Steve? 迈克:为什么这么急史蒂夫?
Mike Coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head. 麦克.库伯格尔于昨晚被一个界外球击中头部死亡。
Mike Coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head. 迈克在昨天的一场比赛中被一记平直界外球击中头部后,不治身亡。
Mike Gravel, a no-hope former senator in search of attention, suggested it should be made a felony to keep troops in Iraq. 为寻求选民关注,声望低落的民主党前参议员迈克.格拉韦尔建议,应该对把美军留在伊拉克的人判以重罪。
Mike Jackson, the new pop singer, was certainly a hit with the audience at the Playhouse Theatre last night. 迈克·杰克逊,一名新的流行歌星,昨晚在剧场当然地受到观众们的欢迎。
Mike Leavitt said the NGA discussion represented a “major shiftin the way governors address higher education and signaled their desire for greater direct involvement by the state chief executives in the oversight of their state university systems. 犹他州州长迈克·莱维特指出,全国州长协会的讨论在州长管理高等教育上代表这一个“重大改变”,意味着州官员想要更多地直接介入,监督州立大学的体制。
Mike Mussina enters Saturday's game against the Indians one victory shy of 100 as a member of the Yankees as New York enters the game tied with Seattle for first place in the American League Wild Card race. 当洋基与水手队在外卡的第一名追逐战处于白热化时,老穆如能在星期六这一场比赛击败印地安人队将是他在洋基队的第100胜。

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