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Five years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn blackmailed smuggler Niles Ferrier into providing the location of the long-missing Katana fleet and escaped with 180 of the 200 ships under the nose of the New Republic.

Five twenties and ten single, please. 请给我5张20元的和10张1元的。
Five twenties and ten singles, please. 请给我5张20元和10张一元的。
Five vegetation communities: herbosa, shrubs, coniferous forest, theropencedrymion, and evergreen broad-leaved forest in the red soil region of the Lijiang Valley are selected as the five successive stages of the typical restoration process of degraded ec 摘要利用时空替代原理,选取漓江流域红壤区退化生态系统恢复过程中具有代表性的草丛、灌丛、针叶林、针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林5个阶段作为演替序列,研究自然恢复过程中各演替阶段的植被结构动态和生物量变化。
Five vertiginous patients with tentative diagnosis of brain tumor demonstrated either by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) turned out to have other lesions after electronystagmography (ENG) and other examinations. 摘要5名病人因眩晕在他院求诊,经安排头部计算机断层扫描或核磁共振映像术检查,怀疑为脑肿瘤。
Five visits are almost impossible to fit in my day. 访问五次几乎不可能一天完成。
Five years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn blackmailed smuggler Niles Ferrier into providing the location of the long-missing Katana fleet and escaped with 180 of the 200 ships under the nose of the New Republic. 在恩多战役后5年,索隆大元帅勒索走私犯尼尔斯·芬瑞尔提供失踪已久的卡塔那舰队,并在新共和国眼皮底下把200艘船中的180艘弄跑了。
Five years after the attacks, much of the focus of the commemorations was on New York where more than 2,700 people died when two hijacked airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, shaking the United States' confidence and changing the New York 11五周年纪念活动主要集中在纽约,2001年9月11日,两架被劫持的飞机顷刻间撞塌纽约世贸中心大楼,造成2700多人丧生,美国的信心因此遭到沉重打击,而纽约的地平线也从此被改变了。
Five years after the dot-com bubble burst, job growth has returned to Silicon Valley. But it's a different kind of growth than in past recoveries, favoring higher-skilled workers. 华尔街日报报道目前硅谷企业在人才招聘上面的趋势,拥有设计背景的高技能人才受到青睐。原本企业中低技能的工作已经被转移到其他较低生活成本的城市,甚至其他国家。
Five years ago Dr Blanke found he could induce such experiences at will in one such person by stimulating a particular part of her brain—the right angular gyrus—with an electric current. 五年前,布兰科博士发现他能够通过用电流刺激一个这类患者的大脑的特殊部位(右角脑回)而受感应,让她随意地进行这些体验。
Five years ago there were only two planes in residence. 5年前,停留在该机库中的飞机只有两架,而如今已有15架。
Five years ago, I went to Egypt. 五年前我去过埃及。

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