Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male.
男子女性型乳房男性胸部的异常增大 |
Abnormal genes mutating is the pathogeny of cancer.
癌症的病因就是反常的基因变异。 |
Abnormal high pressure is found from Neogene to Jurassic in Leughu-Nanbaxian strnctural belt in the northern margin of Qaidam basin, and mostly occurs in undercompaction shale.
摘要柴北缘冷湖-南八仙构造带从新近系到侏罗系普遍存在异常高压,且通常发育在欠压实泥岩中。 |
Abnormal lowering or drooping of an organ or a part, especially a drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle weakness or paralysis.
下垂一个器官或器官的一部分不正常的下降或垂落,尤其指由肌肉松弛或麻痹引起的上眼睑的下垂 |
Abnormal or excessive sensitivity of a body organ or part to a stimulus.
兴奋增盛身体某个器官或部分对刺激反常或过度的敏感 |
Abnormal position of the heart within the thoracic cavity may potentially cause cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) perfusion artifacts, and only few such cases have been reported.
摘要胸腔内心脏位于不正常位置可能导致心脏单光子射出计算机断层造影伪像,且这种病例仅有少数曾被报告过。 |
Abnormal results of laboratory studies may be incidental to the patient's primary problem or may simply represent a normal variant.
须知实验室检查结果异常,对病人的主要问题可能只是偶合关系,也可能是正常变异。 |
Abnormalities of ABRs were analyzedandinterpreted as peripheral hearing loss (wave I prolongation), neurological brainstem involvement (interwave I-V prolongation or absence of later components) or both.
为了解胆红素的神经毒素,本文先就核黄疸病人的听性脑干反应提出初报。 |
Abnormally elevated blood pressure.
高血压血压不正常的升高 |
Abnormally heavy or extended menstrual flow.
月经过多异常多或长时间的月经来潮 |
Abnormally low blood pressure.
低血压不正常地低的血压 |