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His face sells products, but his market as an icon is young women who admire his leading-man looks.

His face looked ruddy in the firelight. 他的脸在火光中显得红润。
His face pale as ashes, and his lips trembling, he stammered out the dreadful news. 他脸色苍白,嘴唇颤抖,结结巴巴说出了那可怕的消息。
His face relaxed in a smile. 他的表情在微笑中变得轻松了。
His face relaxed into a smile. 他解颜一笑.
His face reminded me somehow of a centaur. 他的脸使我想起半人半马的怪物。
His face sells products, but his market as an icon is young women who admire his leading-man looks. 有些人,特别是球员出身的名宿内策尔,认为巴拉克缺乏某些东西,他成不了真正的德国领袖。
His face showed guilt though he said he had done nothing wrong. 尽管他说自己没做过错事,他的脸上却显出了内疚的神情。
His face showed guilt. 他的脸上流露出内疚的神情。
His face showed his vexation at the delay. 他的脸上露出对这延误的苦恼。
His face took on a worried expression. 他的脸呈现出担忧的表情。
His face turned gray as he heard the bad news. 听到这个坏消息后,他的脸变得苍白。

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