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The Trident 30km ahead of your left.

The Trend Line Indicator always records the minor trend of the market, and when it reverses by breaking 1¢ under a previous Trend Line bottom or crossing 1¢ over a Trend Line top, it shows the minor trend, but the 3-day Chart always shows the main trend o 趋势线总是记录市场的次级趋势,并且当它跌破前一个趋势线底部1美分或者穿过上一个趋势线顶部1美分,那么就说明行情反转,开始展开次级趋势,但是3日图却问题显示着市场的主趋势。
The Tribunal awarded the Seller the full amount of its claim and set it off agai t part of the counterclaim filed by the Buyer. 仲裁庭裁决如下:卖方应获得其全部所主张的金额,扣除买方在反诉中提出的抵消部分数额。
The Tribunal awarded the Seller the full amount of its claim and set it off against part of the counterclaim filed by the Buyer. 仲裁庭裁决如下:卖方应获得其全部所主张的金额,扣除买方在反诉中提出的抵消部分数额。
The Tribunal finds that, in the circumstances of the case, the Buyer has complied with the above-mentioned requirements of the Vie a Convention. 仲裁庭认为,就本案情况而言,买方遵守了上述《维也纳公约》的要件规定。
The Tribunal finds that, in the circumstances of the case, the Buyer has complied with the above-mentioned requirements of the Vienna Convention. 仲裁庭认为,就本案情况而言,买方遵守了上述《维也纳公约》的要件规定。
The Trident 30km ahead of your left. 三叉戟在前方三十公里。
The Trilateral Commission, Tokyo Plenary Meeting, April 2006, April 22-24, Tokyo, Japan. 2006年4月22-24日,在日本东京参加“三边委员会”2006年东京全体会议。
The Trilogy of Motherland, composed by Liu Zhi who is a talented musician with a strong power of melodic creativity and admired by many, is of eternity eulogizing great Chinese people and beautiful land of the country. 摘要刘炽先生的交响大合唱《祖国三部曲》,是讴歌祖国大好河山、赞美人民伟大精神的不朽之作。
The Trinity fair, at Southwold, Suffolk, from being an occasion of buying and selling in the High Street is now an extensive pleasure and amusement fair held on the South Green, and some of the more demure of the inhabitants have several times unsuccessfu 萨福克郡南沃尔德的三一集市节原是大街上的买卖日,现已成为南绿地上举行的庞大的娱乐集市节,有些比较严肃的居民已经多次努力要将它废除,但没成功。
The Troll Priest racial Shadowguard now has a different graphic for the floaty orbs. 食人妖牧师种族天赋暗影守卫现在有新的视觉效果。
The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) is a regional center dedicated to research and graduate education in agriculture and the management, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources,it founded in 1940. 描述:“热带农业研究与高等教育中心”是一区域性研究教育中心,创建于1940年,主要研究农业以及自然资源的管理、保护与可持续利用,并提供这方面的研究生教育。

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