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In large skillet, over medium high heat, melt butter. Add garlic and saute until fragrant. Add mushrooms and stir until just tender.

In large measure, cognitive therapy involved helping the patient to use his or her own behaviour to test his or her maladaptive thoughts and beliefs (Behaviour Testing). 在很大的程度而言,认知治疗涉及助病者透过自己的行为去引证自己的不当想法及信念「行为验证」。
In large part because syringes and needles are often inadequately sterilized in rural China, experts say medical injections are responsible for China\'s surging rates of blood-borne infections including hepatitis and, to a lesser extent, AIDS. 专家说在乡下大部分的注射用具,针头没有有效地消毒.不干净的注射造成乙肝,艾滋病传染,发病率的暴涨.
In large part by recognising that they didn't win the mid-terms: the Republicans lost them. 在很大程度上他们意识到不是他们赢得了中期选举,而是共和党人他们自己输掉了这场战斗。
In large part, initial public share offerings by state-owned companies drove the market. 国有企业首次公开招股从很大程度上推动了市场。
In large scale/content,I agree with you. 在很大程度上,我同意你的看法.
In large skillet, over medium high heat, melt butter. Add garlic and saute until fragrant. Add mushrooms and stir until just tender. 中火烧热平底锅,融化黄油后加入蒜末炒香。下蘑菇略炒软。
In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the evening. 孩子们早早穿上万圣节服装去参加商场为他们组织的晚会,还可以得到礼物。
In larger companies with multiple divisions, a few years in several businesses under the same corporate umbrella can produce a well-rounded employee. 对于一家拥有众多部门的大公司来说,在不同的领域都有几年的工作经验将造就一个全面发展的雇员。
In lasers—invented a few years after the maser—the cavity is simply the space contained by two mirrors, so that the light bounces back and forth, building up in intensity until a beam emerges from one of the mirrors (which is partially transmitting). 在迈射出现几年之后发明出来的雷射,其所用的共振腔,不过就是两片镜子所夹的空间,光在里面可以来回反射使强度逐渐增强,直到光束从其中的一面(可以部份透射的)镜子穿透射出。
In last few years the region has seen significant rise in sea level - more than 2.5 cm (1 inch) each year. 这些年来,这个地区海平面明显上升,每年上升2.5公分多(约一英呎。
In last place was Mumbai, India. 最后一名是印度的孟买。

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