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The majority of self-made millionaires are self-employed or business owners who had a great idea and the skill to bring that idea to life.

The majority of people in Taiwan carry cell phones whenever they go out. 在台湾,大部分人出外都会携带行动电话。
The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。
The majority of people who have ambitions fail halfway. 很多人的抱负都是努力到半路就没有了,这是为什么呢?
The majority of players are students or teachers, and they find time out of their busy schedule to play as much as they realistically can. 运动员大多数是学生及学校教员,都是从百忙之中挤出时间勤奋练习足球。
The majority of reported cases of simultaneous bilateral femoral neck fracture appear to be due to violent muscle contraction related to a high-voltage electrical shock, or to convulsions. 本病例可能是发生在骨质疏松病人之压力性骨折;起初骨折没有移位,经病人走动后而造成移位性骨折。
The majority of self-made millionaires are self-employed or business owners who had a great idea and the skill to bring that idea to life. 大部分白手起家的百万富翁都是自我雇佣或者拥有他们自己的企业,他们都有出色的头脑,并且拥有将想法转换为现实的能力。
The majority of shares on the listed exchange, not just those included in narrow stock indexes. 广义市场证交所的大多数股票,不光是那些范围较窄的证券指数。
The majority of shots in doubles should and do go down the middle of the court. 双打多数打击应该而且确实直击朝向球场中央。
The majority of students are in flavour of his proposal. 多数学生都赞成他的建议。
The majority of teens also have part-time jobs or some type of income. 而且大部分年轻人有兼职工作和其他收入来源。
The majority of the blend is made up of a base of coffees from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Panama or any other origins that contribute a non-overbearing flavor while still contributing to the body and sweetness of the coffee. 大多数配方是在一种基准豆的基础上做出来的,这些基准豆主要来自来自巴西,多米尼加,墨西哥,秘鲁,巴拿马或者其它一些产地的咖啡,这些咖啡没有强烈的特色,但能提供口感和甜味。

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