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Anaphylactic shock due to cefuroxime in a patient taking penicillin prophylaxis.

Analyzing the rise of German universities in the 19 century and that of the American ones in the 20 century in the world scope, the author argues that the evolution of so-called World-class Universities, in nature, is the crystallization of a certain inno 摘要本文对19世纪德国大学和20世纪美国大学的兴起机制进行了剖析,认为所谓“世界一流大学”的本质是指在国家危机中催生的、一种比既往模式更能有效运作的知识生产组织形式和制度,因此是大学组织在制度上的创新。
Analyzing the volatility of inflation, output gap as well as interest rate of two groups of western countries, we know that IT has made Central Bank reduce the short-term volatility of interest rate and, core inflation rate. 通过分析两组西方国家利率、通货膨胀率和产出缺口的变动,发现中央银行实行通货膨胀目标制可以降低利率和通货膨胀率的短期波动。
Analyzing these factors with nonlinear numerical method need long time. 用非线性数值分析方法进行基坑变形分析的工作量相当大,时间很长。
Anaphase The stage in mitosis or meiosis when chromatids are pulled toward opposite poles of the nuclear spindle. 后期:在有丝分裂或者减数分裂过程中染色单体分别朝相反的两极运动。
Anaphora is a process where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase, which was used earlier in a text or conversation. 零形回指是三种回指形式之一,指的是通过零形式从先行项那里获得指代。
Anaphylactic shock due to cefuroxime in a patient taking penicillin prophylaxis. 头孢呋新引起1例使用青霉素预防治疗的病人发生过敏性休克。
Anaphylactic shock was suspected, so IV hydrocortisone and a plasma expander were given; this normalised BP but had no effect on her other symptoms. 由于怀疑为过敏性休克,给予静脉注射氢化可的松,补充血容量。血压恢复正常,但她的其他症状没有改善。
Anaphylaxis has been selected as the topic for the next World Allergy Forum Symposium scheduled for Sunday, 11 June 2006 - 13:30 – 15:15, during the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), Annual Scientific Meeting, Vienna, Austri 因此,在奥地利维也纳举办欧洲变态反应和临床免疫学年会期间,即在2006年6月11日(星期日)13:30–15:15开展的新一届世界变态反应学家论坛讨论会,将把严重过敏反应作为会议的主题。
Anaplastic carcinoma accounts for 10% or less of thyroid cancers and occurs mostly in elderly patients and in women slightly more than in men. 未分化癌在甲状腺癌中所占比例为≤10%,大多发生在老年人,女性略多于男性。
Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary. 无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的。
Anarchy and looting enveloped Mosul yesterday. 摩苏尔昨日进入无政府状态,市民四处抢掠。

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