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Laozhao is still in his red sweater with wide sleeves out of his coat.

Laogong: Can I get my money back before i pay it? I need the money now. 老公:我能在我付钱之前得到我的那笔钱吗?我现在很需要那笔钱呀.
Laogong: You ask me first! You said you will call me today. I was waiting all the day, and still i called you. 老公:倒打一耙!今天不是说好你给我打电话的嘛。结果我等了一天,还是我打给你的。
Laos is a mountainous country, widely covered by largely unspoiled tropical forest. 老挝是一个多山的国家,大部分地区是保护完整的热带森林。
Laos is a mountainous country, widely covered by largely unspoiled tropical forest. Less than 5% of the land is suitable for subsistence agriculture, which nevertheless provides around 80% of employment. 老挝是一个多山的国家,大部分地区是保护完整的热带森林。能维持基本农业生产的地区不够5%,却提供了大约80%的工作机会。
Laos lies between China,Burma,Thailand,Cambodia and Viet Nam. 老挝位于中国、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南之间。
Laozhao is still in his red sweater with wide sleeves out of his coat. 老赵外套下还是穿着他那身大开袖口的红毛衣。
Laozi and Zhuangzi had reinterpreted the ancient nature worship and esoteric arts, but they crept back into the tradition as ways of using knowledge of the Dao to enhance and prolong life. 老子和庄子重新解释了古代的自然崇拜和深奥的艺术,但他们都避免了传统手段作为使用道的知识去增强和延长寿命。
Laozi and Zhuangzi, living at a time of social disorder and great religious skepticism (see article on Confucianism), developed the notion of the Dao (Tao - way, or path) as the origin of all creation and the force - unknowable in its essence but observab 老子和庄子,生活在一个社会混乱和对宗教产生怀疑的时期(看看儒教的一篇文章),发展出道的观念(道——道路,或者路径),是所有创造物和力量的源头——在本质上是不可知的,但通过它的表现而看得见——生命背后的机能和自然世界的转变。
Lap guides set too wide. 棉卷导向器隔距太宽。
Laparoscopic urology is a subspecialty emerged and popularized worldwide in the last decade. 摘要泌尿科腹腔镜手术是近十年来崛起且风行全球的一种次专科领域。
Laparotomy with removal of the cyst and segmental intestinal resection due to adhesion and stenosis led to the uneventful recovery of the patient. 已接受脑室腹腔引流手术之病患,若怀疑有并发腹腔内伪囊肿致腹部相关症状时,腹部超音波或电脑断层检查可以提供一个早期的鑑别诊断。

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