By the time of is founding, SOH has developed the program curriculum that incorporates the “Certified Dental Hygienists” training programs found in America, Japan etc, the courses “Dental Assistant Credit Program” by TMU and the tremendous experiences bui
目前国内既无口腔卫生法规可以遵循,也没有前例可供参考,所以课程设计原则系参考美国、日本等先进国家的「口腔卫生士」教育内容,加上北医已训练八届的「牙科助理学分班」教学内容及经验,另外配合目前台湾牙科医疗环境设计出的本课程。 |
By the time of the war on Serbia, starting without a legitimation by the UN Security Council, there were arguments put forward in favor of a anticipatorynormative justification, seeing this intervention as a step toward an emerging international legal sys
在针对塞族的战争之前--这次战争是在未得到联合国安理会授权的情况下发动的--有人提出了赞成一种预见性的规范性辩护的主张,把这种干涉看作是通向正在涌现的国际法律体系跨进了一步。 |
By the time property, in a concrete time, there is a media modality would be made for a typification to stand for that time always, new media also always exist as a concrete modality.
就其时间性来讲,在一个具体的时间段内,总有一种代表这个时间段的媒体形态,新媒体总是以具体的形态存在着。 |
By the time she had her design thought out, the loudspeaker had broadcast her plan throughout the factory.
等她把设计办法想出来时,大喇叭己经把她的办法向全厂广播了。 |
By the time she was twelve, she was clerking after school in a small variety store. Saturdays she worked as long as she was wanted. She decided to keep her money for clothes. When she entered high school, she would wear a wardrobe that neither she nor any
她才十二岁,放了学后,就到一家杂货店当店员。每个礼拜六,店里要她工作多久她就工作多久。她决定她的钱要留着以后买衣服。一上高中她穿的那一柜子衣服一定是她或别人从来怎样也配不好的。 |
By the time that happens, a storm is imminent.
当这些情况发生的时候,一场风暴已迫在眉睫了。 |
By the time the 1,800 pieces of the colossal work were finished, thirteen years later, Catherine II had already died.
13年后,当1800件作品完成时,凯瑟琳二世早已去世了。 |
By the time the 2000-2001 season ended, McGrady was one of the brightest young talents in basketball.
2000~2001赛季结束后,麦迪成为了辉煌的篮球界年轻天才中的一员。 |
By the time the ambulance had arrived, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.
救护车赶到时, 围观的人已经很多了. |
By the time the boat crew has towed the carcass to the edge of the ice, villagers are streaming toward it.
当船员们把鲸鱼的尸体拖到冰沿上时,村民们便象潮水样向它峰拥而来。 |
By the time the dentist called me into his surgery I was a bundle of nerves.
牙医叫我走进他的手术室时,我非常害怕。 |