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No more have I,said Mr. Bennet; and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you.

No light yet!he said in a slightly southern accent, and the housekeeper let the curtain fall again. 「还没点灯!」他用一种稍带南方的口音说道,那管家老妇便又把窗簾放了下来。
No man will be able to stand before you; the Lord your God will lay the dread of you and the fear of you on all the land on which you set foot, as He has spoken to you. 申11:25必无一人能在你们面前站立得住.耶和华你们的神、必照他所说的、使惧怕惊恐临到你们所踏之地的居民。
No matter where you live all architecture is dictated by gravity. 鲁基森纳斯说:“无论你身居何处,所有的建筑物都是受地心引力的控制。
No men cry for any reason,was all his mom could say. “男人不会为任何理由哭泣。”他妈妈回答。
No more coffee left here.Get along wiht you!I just bought some this morning.! “这儿没有咖啡了。”“胡说,我今天早上才买了些。”
No more have I,said Mr. Bennet; and I am glad to find that you do not depend on her serving you. 「我更没什麽好说的呢,」宾奈特先生说:「而且我很欣慰,原来你并不靠她出力。」
No more trunk for you to climb on. “我没有树干可以让你爬。”
No news is good newsis an English saying, isn't it? 「没有消息便是好消息」这是不是一句英文成语呢?
No offence, John? And John laughed. Not between old comrades in arms, he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him. 约翰,不见怪吧?约翰笑了起来。战友之间没有什么见怪的,他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可能做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。
No one deserves trust…so Nietzsche got mad at the endgame of his life, which is inevitable result of his negative method. 没有人值得相信……所以尼采在生命的最后疯了,那是他负向的方法的必然结果。
No one is so fierce that he dares to arouse him; Who then is he that can stand before Me? 伯41:10没有那麽凶猛的人敢惹他.这样、谁能在我面前站立得住呢。

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