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He retreated to his office and returned a few seconds later with a piece of orange putty from one of the toys on his windowsill.

He retorted , it's entirely your fault. 他反驳说:“这完全是你的错误。”
He retorted that it was my fault as much as his. 他反驳说我的错误并不比他的小。
He retorted, it's entirely your fault. 他反驳说:“这完全是你的错误。”
He retreated his chair with intense disgust. 他极其厌恶地将椅子往后挪开。
He retreated his fingers and thrust his already rock hard erection into that tight heat of Allen. 他拔出手指,将自己已经岩石一样坚硬的分身插入亚连的紧窒中。
He retreated to his office and returned a few seconds later with a piece of orange putty from one of the toys on his windowsill. 他回到自己的办公室,几秒钟后就拿了一小块橘色油灰回来(从他窗台上其中一个玩具拿下来的)。
He retrieved his losses by betting on a succession of winners. 他下的赌注连续获胜才挽回了损失.
He retrieved the papers from the dusty files where they had lain for years. 他从放了多年满是灰尘的卷宗中找到了证明文件。
He returned between three and four. 他是三四点之间回来的。
He returned downstairs in disgust. 他厌恶地转身下楼。
He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's occupation. 他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别人占了。

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