If, however, you move the whole body to a time zone which is four hours different, the two clocks will be out of step, like two alarm clocks which are normally set together, but which have been reset a few hours apart. ⑼ Whereas the two clocks would norma
此句意思:另一个定时系统在我们的体内时钟内(其中一个主要时钟可能位于我们大脑的称为超交叉核的那部分中)这些体内时钟在不受干扰时,会使人体有一个25小时——是的,25小时——的生理节奏。 |
Ig and peptide strengthens dogs' immune system and minimize threaten from diseases.
特别添加免疫球蛋白和活性小肽,帮助加强免疫系统,可减少疾病的威胁。 |
Igawa acknowledged his transition to the big leagues has been difficult.
井川承认他在大联盟适应有困难。 |
Igawa had been skipped in the rotation because of his own erratic performance.
井川庆因为之前困扰于表现不佳而被跳过先发轮值。 |
Igawa had originally been scheduled to start Saturday but the Yankees rearranged their rotation after a rainout earlier in the week, relegating him to relief work after a poor outing on Monday against the Rays.
井川庆原来被排定星期六先发,但洋基在星期三下雨后重新排定先发投手,由于星期一面对蓝鸟不佳表现,将井川庆移为中继投手。 |
Igawa has been a project for Guidry this season, an odd intersection of Igawa's Japanese culture and Guidry's cajun twang, both mixing in the hopes of retiring Major League hitters consistently.
古伯伯本季对于井川庆寄予厚望,那是一个奇怪的井川庆日本文化与古伯伯的交集,混杂了将大联盟打击者解决的希望。 |
Igawa has had bright spots in his brief big-league tenure, most recently a six-inning relief stint against the Red Sox on April 28, in which Igawa allowed no runs and two hits.
阿宅在大联盟曾经短暂耀眼过,最近在四月28日面对红袜六局的中继投球,阿宅只被打出两支安打无失分。 |
Igawa in action: Kei Igawa made his first tune-up appearance at the Yankees' Himes Avenue Minor League complex on Wednesday in Tampa, Fla., performing work on his mechanics and conditioning.
井川庆动作了:阿宅星期三在帕坦开始了他第一次在洋基小联盟调整的露面,执行他投球的机能与调整等工作。 |
Igawa is the third Japanese player posted this winter, joining Matsuzaka and infielder Akinori Iwamura, whose rights were acquired by the Devil Rays for about $4.5 million.
井川庆是今年冬天第三位开放竞标的日本选手,前两位分别是松坂大辅和内野手岩村名宪,这名内野手稍早由魔鬼鱼队以450万美金得标。 |
Igawa responded splendidly, producing six-plus shutout innings, earning the decision in a 3-1 victory over the Red Sox.
井川庆以精采的表现回应,在六局多投球中无失分,拿下面对红袜3比1的胜利。 |
Igawa said that appearing in the Major Leagues would fulfill a goal set when he first became a professional player nine years ago.
井川庆说当他在九年前成为职业选手的目标就是要晋升大联盟。 |