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Press-in style means the fan situated in front of the bag-house,which works at positive pressure.

Press this button you can shut it down. 你按下这个按钮就可以关机。
Press this button. Put your money in. And then, wait for the green light. 按下这个按钮,投进钱币;然后等到绿色指示灯亮起。
Press to clear the proxy that currently display in the proxy input bar. 将正在代理服务栏内的代理网址清除。
Press to get to the router prompt. 按下回车键进入路由器提示符状态。
Press “SET” button at the third time to ensure your settings of the upper limitation and the lower limitation, then the value that the instrument displayed is the humidity value in present environment, and the instrument enter into the state of test contr 所需上下限的值设定完毕,第三次按(SET)键时确认,仪表所显示的值是当前环境湿度值,仪表进入测试控制状态。
Press-in style means the fan situated in front of the bag-house,which works at positive pressure. 压入是式风机位于除尘器之前,除尘器为正压工作。
Pressed metal plates the size of deviation should be allowed to meet norms. Pressure produced by the metal plates to allow the construction site with a standard deviation requirements. 压型金属板的尺寸允许偏差应符合规范的规定。压型金属板施工现场制作的允许偏差符合规范的规定。
Pressing TABwill lock and cycle through targets for any ordnance that can acquire a lock (ie LGBs, Hellfires, etc). 按下TAB键将锁定并使飞机盘旋于目标周围直至发射的弹药(比如激光制导炸弹、地狱火等)击中目标。
Pressing ALT-U brings up the Undo Menu (Undo Menu). 按ALT-U弹出撤消菜单(撤消菜单)。
Pressing Spacebar will command the character to float upwards. 按空格键将会使你漂浮上来。
Pressing a key on a phone's keypad generates two simultaneous tones, one for the row and one for the column. 电话键盘上任何一个键被按下时产生两个模拟音调,分别属于行和列。

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