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A program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control.

A program that translates a source program into an executable program(an object program). 一种把源程序翻译成可执行程序(即目标程序)的程序。
A program that translates from machine language to assembly language, often to decipher existing machine language programs by generating symbolic code listings. 将机器语言翻译成汇编语言的程序,一般通过产生符号代码的清单来翻译已有的机器语言程序。
A program that uses genetic algorithms in order to evolve a sorting-network. 是一个程序,使用基因算法来解决一个排序网络问题。
A program that uses more than eight levels of input-file nesting has an environmental dependency. 一个用超过八层的输入档案巢状的程式有环境相依性.
A program that will keep a centralized database of howto's for a help desk. 该软件维护一个集中式的帮助信息数据库。
A program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control. 计划生育:通过避孕或其它控制生育的方法来控制每个家庭孩子的数量和间隔的计划。
A program under which claimants are periodically contacted to review their eligibility for benefits, work search activities, and reemployment needs. 一个用于定期联系申领人以便审查他们领取保险金的资格、求职活动以及再就业需要的计划。
A program used to read a program from an input device, and, usually, into some type of random access memory. 一种程序,用来把一程序从输入设备读到某种类型的随机存储器中。
A program written by a user may be either dependent or independent of the physical computer that runs his program. 用户写的程序,可以依赖,也可以独立于运行这个程序的具体计算机。
A program-defined hierarchical ordering of data for a record. 对记录而言,程序定义的数据分层次序。
A program-defined hierarchical ordering of data for a record. Elements within a structure may be formatted differently from each other, whereas elements in an array must all have the same format. 对记录而言,程序定义的数据分层次序。结构内的元素的格式可能彼此不同,而一个数组中的元素的格式必须相同。

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