There are over 10 children with different color of skins writing and drawing with him together, making the class overflowed with the classical reading atmosphere. |
中文意思: 与他一起挥毫泼墨的还有10馀个肤色各异的孩子,整个教室里洋溢著浓厚的古典书卷气。 |
There are other things, too; a bookcase, a small night table, a desk and chair, a dresser, and clothes.
也有其他的东西:一个书柜,一张小床头几,一张桌子和椅子,化妆台,被褥. |
There are other times Jesus predicts his death by crucifixion in the gospels can you think of any?
有些另外的时候,在圣经上耶稣也曾预测他的死是被钉在十字架上,你能想到一些在圣经中哪些经节里吗? |
There are others donating their possessions in charity as sacrifice; performing austerities and penance as sacrifice, practicing the eightfold mystic yoga system as sacrifice and studying the Vedas and aquiring transcendental knowledge as sacrifice; all e
还有其他的人把财物捐献给福利机构作为牺牲,把苦修苦行作为牺牲,把习练八种神秘瑜珈系统作为牺牲,把研习《呋陀经》以获得超然知识作为牺牲;所有被启迪了的人们,奉行严格的誓言。 |
There are others to whom Idleness dictates another expedient, by which life may be passed unprofitably away without the tediousness of many vacant hours.
对于其他一些人来说,懒散还有另一种表现形式,时光纵然白白流逝,而他们并没有因为许多小时没有做什么而感到无聊乏味。 |
There are others who predict another Ice Age coming, which will also destroy the world.
也有人预测又一个冰川期将要到来,那也会毁灭地球。 |
There are over 10 children with different color of skins writing and drawing with him together, making the class overflowed with the classical reading atmosphere.
与他一起挥毫泼墨的还有10馀个肤色各异的孩子,整个教室里洋溢著浓厚的古典书卷气。 |
There are over 10 sports items held on the Xiling Grass Field, including single grass skating, grass tackling, cross-country vehicle riding, and house riding, etc.
西岭草场近期开发的运动项目有十多项草上运动,包括单人滑草、草地滑车、越野车、骑马等。 |
There are over 100 different types of arthritis-related conditions including lupus, gout, fibromyalgia, and Lyme disease.
每年有数以千万人受关节炎的折磨,你或你认识的人都有可能患上关节炎。 |
There are over 1500 employees including more than 200 technicians.
公司占地面积9000平方米﹐现有员工1500多名﹐其中技术人员200多名。 |
There are over 240 different species of Aloe, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America.
芦荟有240多种不同的种类,主要生长在非洲、亚洲、欧洲和美洲的气候干燥地区。 |
There are over 250 specialist schools.
此类学校约有250间。 |