Faithfulness is the first criterion: the target language equivalents must be faithful to the source language words in lexical, syntactic and pragmatic meaning.
文章认为忠实性为首要标准,即翻译的对应词应在词汇意义、语法意义及语用意义上与原语词目相等同。 |
Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.
11诚实从地而生,公义从天而现。 |
Fajardo,et al.Genetic variation analysis of the genus Passiflora L.using RAPD marker,Euphytica 1998;10(3):341.
冯斗等.RAPD分子标记应用于斑茅分类的研究,广西农大学报,1997,16(4):261. |
Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatens gullible people‘s lives.
虚假广告欺骗消费者,而且严重地对轻信广告的人们的生命构成威胁。 |
Fake poets seek poetry from imitating, acting and writing; soon or later, they will end up going astray.
假的诗人只想从模仿中做,写中求得诗,所以他们终究是迷途者. |
Fake servant loves real host?
假仆人爱上了真主人? |
Fake. Leben in künstlichen Welten. Mythos, Literatur, Wissenschaft. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1999.
伪造,生活在艺术的世界里,神话,文学,科学,罗沃尔特袖珍书出版社,莱因贝克1999年。 |
Falcon Waterfree Technologies, with head office in California, USA, is the market leader in Waterfree urinal systems.
美国发康无水科技公司多年来致力于节水环保产品的开发,其无水小便斗产品在缺水的中国倍受政府和公众的欢迎支持。 |
Falcon or Hawk - One eager or hot in the pursuit of an object much desired.
鹰或隼-象征对某种事物有极度追求渴望的人。 |
Falconer Dean Krakuer says the mere presence of the predatory birds will eventually convince the sea gulls to move elsewhere.
训鹰人迪安·克拉考尔说,哪怕猎鹰只是在垃圾堆上空出现,其凶猛的食肉动物形象也足以震慑住海鸥,最终迫使它们乖乖地离开。 |
Falk's report has generated a number of objections.
法克的论证引发了许多反对意见。 |