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If you fix the brakes the car will be as safe as houses.

If you find the treasure we wi\* go fifty-fifty. 如果你找到那批财宝,咱们就平分。
If you find the treasure we will go fifty-fifty. 如果你找到那批财宝,咱们就平分。
If you find your work interesting, you can work your tail off. 如果你觉得工作有趣,你是会拼命去干的。
If you find yourself overwhelmed with credit card debt, don't despair. 如果你发现自己被信用卡的债务重压,别感到绝望。
If you fire your sniper rifle while unscoped, you will notice a significant decrease in accuracy. 但如果你的狙击步枪是不开镜的话,你会发现准确性将会大大的下降。
If you fix the brakes the car will be as safe as houses. 把制动器修好,汽车就非常安全了。
If you flatter your mother a bit she might invite us all to dinner. 你要是奉承你母亲几句,说不定她会把我们全请去吃饭.
If you fly a kite, make sure you have clear, wide open spaces away from roads, trees, power lines and airports. 假如您要放风筝,确定您身处一个无障碍的开放空间,远离道路、树木、电源线及机场。
If you fly high up over the lake and look down around from plane, you will find the answer yourself. 如果你飞到湖的上空,从飞机上向下俯瞰,你就会找到答案了。
If you focus on our commonalities, you'll be more at ease and get along better with everyone. 如果你把重心集中在我们的共通性,你将更安逸而且与每个人相处得更好。
If you focus the sun's rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf, it will start to burn. 用放大镜把阳光聚到乾叶子上,叶子就能燃烧.

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