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The main characters such as Walther,Ferdinand and Luise do not hold malice against each other,yet the fact that they act according to their own will finally leads to an irrevocable tragedy.

The maceral, proximate analysis, cleats and joint developmental characteristics of the brown coal in Bulianta coalmine, Dongsheng coalfield have been studied. 详细研究了东胜煤田补连塔矿煤的岩石组成、内生裂隙及外生节理的发育特征。
The macro mechanism mainly includes the background of entry into WTO, unsound credit system and the intervention of the government. 宏观生成机理主要有加入WTO的背景、不健全的信用制度和政府对银行业的干预。
The main X-ray findings included: narrowed space of the distai interphalangeal joint ; vermiform destruction and defect in the jointmargin; proliferation and enlargement of the ungual phalangeal base ; X线主要表现为远侧指(趾)间关节间隙变窄,关节边缘虫蚀状破坏缺损,末节指骨基底部增生、膨大,而近节或中节指骨远端破坏削尖,从而形成“笔套样”改变。
The main appearance of PVC degradation is coloration from white to yellow, brown and black, caused by polyene structure of PVC and its complex with metallic ions. 聚氯乙烯树脂的热分解主要表现为外观颜色由白色热分解成黄色、红褐色和黑色,这种颜色的变化源于聚氯乙烯树脂热分解生成的多烯烃结构及多烯烃结构与各类金属离子形成的络合物。
The main character is that variola on the hairless skin,or form the filamentous necrotic scab on the mouth and the throat. The mortality is over 0%,and can induce high death rate with other infection intercurrent. 该病的主要特征是在鸡的无毛或少毛的皮肤上出现痘疹,有的在口腔、咽喉部形成纤维素性坏死性痂膜,死亡率可高达0%以上,若并发其他的传染病可导致较高的死亡率。 幼雏发病后生长缓慢、消瘦;
The main characters such as Walther,Ferdinand and Luise do not hold malice against each other,yet the fact that they act according to their own will finally leads to an irrevocable tragedy. 剧中主要人物瓦尔特、斐迪南、露伊斯主观上彼此并无恶意,但当他们各自按照自己的意愿行动时却成了不可挽回的悲剧。
The main clinical manifestations of NCHD were heart murmur (8.0%), breathe hard (. %),continuous cyanosis ( %). 新生儿先心病的临床表现主要为心脏杂音 (8 .0 % )、气促 ( . % )、持续性青紫 ( . % )。
The main clinical symptom was pyrexia (00.0%), eschar and ulcer (88.%), enlarged lymph rodes (70.%), tetter( 7.%)、hepatomegalg and splenomegaly. 临床以发热 (0 0 % )、焦痂及溃疡 (88. % )、淋巴结肿大 (70 .% )、皮疹 ( 7.% )和肝脾肿大 (0 .9% )为主。
The main clinical symptoms were pyrexia(00.0%),eschar and ulcer (8.8%),enlarged lymph nodes(7.7%),skin rash( 9.%),hepectomegaly and splenomegaly (.9%). 临床以发热 (0 0 0 % )、焦痂及溃疡 (8 8% )、淋巴结肿大 (7 7% )、皮疹( 9 % )和肝脾肿大 (7 0 % )为主。
The main clinical symptoms, edema, general malaise, fever, frequency of micturition, enuresis, albuminuria, hematuria, pyuria etc. 9例尿螨阳性者的主要表现为水肿、全身不适、发热、尿频、遗尿、蛋白尿、血尿和脓尿等.
The main complications of the balloon dilation are melena ( %) and perforation ( 0%). 该方法的主要并发症为黑便 ( % )和穿孔 ( 0 % )。

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