The first section of this book shows you how to make your first sound on the flute and contains a lot of important, basic information...
本书详细的说明如何吹奏好长笛。从入门开始,一步一步地教你学好,吹好长笛;本书还包括许多重要的,基础方面的资料.是一本不可多得的长笛从入门到精通的读物。 |
The first section of this paper introduces a rigorously generated sensory history questionnaire, called the Evaluation of Sensory Processing (ESP).
第一个部份将简介一份经由严谨过程所产生的感觉史问卷,叫做感觉讯息处理评估表。 |
The first section on the left is a pop-up menu from which a user can select a category of business, for example, computers, automobiles, or clothing.
在左边的第一个部分是用户能选择事务类别的弹出式菜单,例如,计算机,汽车,或衣物。 |
The first selection will be held in eight cities, including Changsha, Dalian and Taiyuan.
此项活动的初选将在长沙、大连和太原等八个城市进行。 |
The first sentence they've uttered for her is an awkward but affectionate one.
他们对她说的第一句话,语音含混不清,但却充满深情。 |
The first sequence happened on the bed.
(第一幕发生在床上。) |
The first sequence is all about madness and mischief as a single mother (Zhuo Yun) drives her devoted son (Jaycee Chan) to distraction with her daredevil antics in pursuit of tranquility.
第一个故事讲的是关于疯狂和破坏,一个单身母亲(周韵),因其追求安全宁静的古怪行为,总是搅乱她儿子(房祖名(最新动态、个人档案))的正常生活。 |
The first series of Chinese Moxibustion with decades of varieties has all entered into the market this year, and obtained the welcome of large quantities of medical affairs workers and patients.
“中华灸”的第一个系列计十多个品种今年已全部面世,受到了广大医务工作者和患者的欢迎。 |
The first serious attempt to listen for possible radio signals from other civilizations was carried out at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Greenbank, West Virginia, in 1959 and 1960.
第一次系列地收听来自其他文明社会的可能的无线电信号,于1959年和1960年在位于西弗吉尼亚的格林邦克的国家射电天文台里进行。 |
The first serious sign that all was not well with Emma emerged during her first year of a degree in social psychology.
爱玛最初显示事情有些不妙的征兆出现在她学习社会心理学学位的第一年。 |
The first set of estimated values describes a given formal style while the rest serving as weighting mechanisms, an importance index and a confidence factor, fine-tuning the description.
第二部份乃描述一个设计师可藉以分析现有造形风格并可界定及描述目标市场所期望的造形风格之架构。 |