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The boat made slow headway against the tide.

The boat is still loading. 船仍在上货.
The boat is two miles off shore. 那艘船在离海岸两英里的海里。
The boat leaves Liverpool on the fifteenth , but before we set sail(for New York) I have to spend a few days in Scotland. 船十五号离开利物浦,但是(开往纽约)之前,我得在苏格兰呆上几天。
The boat leaves Liverpool on the fifteenth, but before we set sail(for New York) I have to spend a few days in Scotland. 船十五号离开利物浦,但是(开往纽约)之前,我得在苏格兰呆上几天。
The boat looks like a duck. (那条小船看上去象只鸭子。)
The boat made slow headway against the tide. 那船逆著潮水缓慢地前进.
The boat moved up and down,making her feel sick. 船只上上下下地摇动,使她觉得想吐。
The boat overturned but didn't sank. 小船翻了,但没有沉。
The boat overturned. 船翻了.
The boat owns characteristics of high strength,light duty,corrosion and rust-free, long durability,and easy maintenance,enviroment-friendly, ect.It is suitable for sailing in river, lake and near seaside, so as to be widely used in fishing, and tourism in 该小艇具有高强度,轻重量,防锈,防腐蚀,易保养,经久耐用,环保好等特点,适合于江河湖泊各种水域,广泛适用于休闲钓鱼,旅游观光。
The boat pulled up alongside the dock. 那条船在码头旁停靠。

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