Traditionally, most venture capital firms consisted of small, private limited partnerships utilizing capital furnished by wealthy individuals or corporations.
过去,绝大多数的风险资本公司都是小型、私有的合伙人有限公司,运转的资本则是由富有的个人或是团体提供。 |
Traditionally, plantain has been treated as a semi perennial crop with different plant arrangements in the field, according to the different agro-ecological zones and the growers objective.
根据不同的农业生态区域和种植目的,大蕉被当作具有不同种植方式的半多年生作物。 |
Traditionally, rigid lumbar cures hae been treated with a combined anterior and posterior approach; howeer, the absolute indications for this approach are unclear.
传统观点认为,强直的腰椎曲线应该用前后路联合手术治疗,而这种手术的绝对适应症仍不清楚。 |
Traditionally, scientific reasoning had been the trend in relevant research, with focus on how clinician to evaluate and treat patients' physiological impairments or physical disabilities.
叙事推理是职能治疗推理中最独特的,用来了解每个患者的生病经验,并据此,尝试赋予治疗活动意议。 |
Traditionally, sentence segmentation is cast as a binary classification task, where each potential boundary is classified either as the end of a sentence or not.
习惯上,把句子切分当着一个二分类任务,每个潜在的边界要么是句子的结尾,要么不是。 |
Traditionally, spinal cord injuries are conceived unrepairable because the injured neurons can not regenerate.
摘要传统观念认为,脊髓损伤后由于神经元不能再生而不能修复。 |
Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses.
电视早已成为大众媒介。 |
Traditionally, the Chinese people had put much emphasis on convalescenceto preserve their health.
摘要我国传统养生学理论极为重视“静”的养生、健身价值。 |
Traditionally, the bride's parents plan and pay for the wedding.
按照传统,应由新娘的父母筹划婚礼,并且支付婚礼费用。 |
Traditionally, the insurance on offer has covered political violence (war, insurrection and such), nationalisation and expropriation of assets and currency inconvertibility.
传统的保险项目覆盖了政治爆力(战争、叛乱等相关类型)、资产没收及征用、限制货币自由兑换等项目。 |
Traditionally, the marginal utility of land utilization in that area was low.
当地主要是古海岸线构成的冈身及其以束地区,不适稻作,地利浇薄。 |