Mr Mak rightly plays up the centrality of the two world wars to Europe's 20th century.
书中,马克合理地关注了20世纪欧洲在两次大战中的轴心角色国家。 |
Mr Maliki has been saying the right things and making progress, albeit stumbling.
马利基先生已经做出了正确的表态,并且取得了一些磕磕绊绊的进展。 |
Mr Mamotin told the Moscow Times that the music industry was losing more money in free file-sharing networks. “We are offering a model under which people will walk away from piracy,” he said.
马莫廷先生告诉《莫斯科时报》,音乐行业在免费的网络下载中损失更加惨重,他说:“我们正在提供一种模式,在此模式下,人们逐步远离侵权。” |
Mr Mandelson wants to phase in the duties from April 7.
曼德尔森先生希望从4月7日起逐步征收这些关税。 |
Mr Mandelson's exercise is a chance to rethink what policy would do most good for Europe's economies.
这次曼德尔森所做的工作可能会促使有关方面重新考虑到底什么样的政策对欧洲经济最为有利。 |
Mr Martin is an expert in the history of Britain's built environment. He uses it as a springboard to debate the often unwritten contribution of minorities to the national story.
马丁先生是英国人造物质环境历史方面的专家。他以此为出发点探索常为文献付阙的少数民族对该国历史的贡献。 |
Mr Martinez, an independent record producer, hopes that many of his audience will be listening in while at home alone, albeit with a little help from their human friends.
作为一名独立广播制作人,马丁内兹先生希望广大宠物听众独自在家时能够听听他的广播,虽然还是需要人类提供一点帮助。 |
Mr Martins‘ figures indicate that growth in steel imports by China, expected this year to be 20 per cent ahead of 2005, will begin to decelerate and hit a rate of just 5 per cent in 2010.
马丁斯的数据表明,中国铁矿石进口增速将开始放缓,预计今年将增加20%,到2010年,增幅将下降到只有5%。 |
Mr Mason and he have often done business together.
梅森先生和他常在一起做生意。 |
Mr Matsuoka was enmeshed in a corruption scandal that threatened to spread from fiddling his office expenses to rigging bids for public contracts.
松冈利胜涉嫌滥用办公经费,在公共合同的竞投标过程中牟利,因而陷入腐败丑闻。 |
Mr Mbeki himself long backed so-called AIDS dissidentscientists who questioned the link between AIDS and HIV.
南非总统姆贝基及其内阁长时期反对为艾滋病患者提供免费治疗。但是最终于八月下令关于通过一个全国治疗艾滋病方案。 |