Opinion columns bemoan the fanaticism of its youth, the remoteness of its rulers and the power of its clerics.
专栏评论则为沙特阿拉伯青年的狂热,统治者的冷漠,和宗教组织的掌权而哀叹。 |
Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes.
关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。 |
Opinion is going against NATO.
舆论对北约不利。 |
Opinion is shifting in favor of the President's new policy.
舆论正朝着有利于总统新政策的方向转变。 |
Opinion is shifting in favour of the new scheme.
舆论正逐渐转向支持新计画. |
Opinion on Wall Street is divided.
华尔街的意见产生了分歧。 |
Opinion polls and low voter turnout at elections may indicate widespread public disillusionment with politicians.
选举时的民意调查及投票人数低的现象都可能暗示了广大民众对于政治家已有了清醒的认识。 |
Opinion polls conducted among relocated families have been positive, he said.
再安置家庭的民意投票是积极的,他说。 |
Opinion polls for the whole union still show a narrow majority in favour, but in some countries the mood has turned sharply against.
虽然整体民调显示支持者仍然占微弱多数,但涉及单个国家则另当别论,甚至有民意发生180度反转的局面。 |
Opinion polls give the “Sí” camp a narrow lead, but many respondents are undecided.
民意调查显示,投“是”的阵营保持着勉强的领先地位,但许多受访者还没有决定要投哪边的票。 |
Opinion polls of delegates—who owe their positions to party patronage—are never published.
代表们(根据他们在党内的地位而取得的代表权)的民测验一直没有被公开。 |