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Mr. Chen, your price is on the high side, it's impossible for us to conclude any transactions at this price.

Mr. Chen is a notorious credit abuser, so nobody trusts him. 【陈先生是个恶名昭彰的滥用信用者,因此没有人相信他。】
Mr. Chen knows this, but other people don't. 陈先生知道这件事,但是别人不知道。
Mr. Chen launched himself off of the diving board, flew high into the air, then landed in the swimming pool. 陈先生从跳水板上一跃而起,飞向半空中,然后跳进游泳池。
Mr. Chen used no (didn't use any) chemicals on his fruit. 陈先生的水果不使用农药。
Mr. Chen, of Farewell My Concubinefame, directed The Promiseat a cost of $44 million, the most expensive film ever made in China. 因执导《霸王别姬》而享有盛誉的陈凯歌此次执导的新片《无极》耗资4400万美元,是中国电影史上成本最高的电影。
Mr. Chen, your price is on the high side, it's impossible for us to conclude any transactions at this price. 陈先生,你方的所报价格偏高,以这样的价格成交是不可能的。
Mr. Chris Wardlaw (Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower) pays his tribute to our school on 17 May, 2006, sharing ideas with our Principal, Vice-principals and some teachers. 教育统筹局副秘书长王启思先生于二零零六年五月十七日探访本校,与校长、副校长及有关老师作交流分享。
Mr. Clark liked his idea of painting and learning about Native Americans. 克拉克对他想绘画并了解美洲土著人的想法表示欣赏。
Mr. Clark winked at the rude child making grimaces. 克拉克先生假装没有看见那个野孩子做鬼脸。
Mr. Clinton applied double standard for his foreign policy. 柯林顿先生对外交政策采用双重标准。
Mr. Clinton was inaugurated as the President of the U.S.A. 克林顿就职美国总统。

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