ICTU has said that a decision to privatise a majority stake in Aer Lingus, which is expected to be agreed at tomorrow's Cabinet meeting, is a grave mistake from a national point of view.
爱尔兰工会说将爱尔兰航空大部分股份私有化的决策,从国家的观点看,是一个严重的错误,该决策将期待在明天的内阁大会上通过。 |
ICULS are however convertible at a certain ratio to the mother share.
iculs不过,在兑换一定比例的母亲分享. |
ICULS are preferred investment during periods of stock market uncertainty.
iculs是投资首选期间股市的不确定性. |
ICULS is an abbreviation and stands for Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock.
iculs的缩写,并随时为死心塌地兑换抵押贷款证券化. |
ICULStoo confers similar rights but at a specified conversion ratio and thisneeds to be exercised within the specified maturity period.
iculs太赋予同等权利,但在一个特定的转化率,这需要加以行使,在指定成熟期. |
ICanus Goat's Milk Lotion is also available in an all-natural formulation.
纯天然的山羊乳成分,不管是敏感皮肤还是宝宝的幼嫩皮肤,都可以放心使用哦! |
ICdWarn0015: Program memory has changed since last program operation? Continue with debug operation?
这个说明你程序改变你没有编译。否就是烧上一次的程序,是,编译器会重新编译。 |
ID Instruction Decoder. This unit is capable of decoding up to 3 instructions per cycle.
命令解码。本单元每循环能解三条指令。 |
IDA's laons go the most needy of the developing countries.
国际开发协会贷款的对象是发展中国家的最贫穷的国家。 |
IDE India spends seven years researching and developing the equipment.
IDE印度花费了7年时间研发这项设备。 |
IDE, an NGO, has been active in Zambia since 1997 promoting dry-season horticulture among poor rural farmers using appropriate small-scale irrigation technology.
描述:IDE,一种小规模灌溉技术,1997年在赞比亚流行使用,大多是贫穷的农户在旱季用于园艺方面的灌溉。 |