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Efficiency and fairness can inspirit each other, which not only conflicts and opposes but also connects and unites.

Efficay: contain apeak sculpt formula, it can smooth the untidy hair after wake up, and make your hair apeak to the end of hair, help your hair refreshing but not oily, if you want to creat ideal straight hair, do up your hair with comb then dry hair with 功效:含有垂坠造型配方,能迅速顺直睡醒后蓬松乱翘的头发,从而使你的秀发垂坠直至发梢,助您的秀发清爽不粘腻;如果要营造理想的直发效果,用梳子梳直并用电吹风吹干,如果要头发更顺滑,用梳子梳理后自然风干。
Efficiency (EFF) Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input, such as the ratio between the electrical energy input to a motor and the mechanical energy output at the shaft of the motor. 效率效率是输出能量与输入能量的比率,例如输入到电动机的电能与电机轴承输出的机械能的之间的比率。
Efficiency 0 it shall be possible to represent content for each of the data types above mentioned in the most bit efficient way for different target qualities; for a multimedia scene composed as a combination of various elements of the data types mentione 有效性:根据不同的目标质量,上述每一种数据类型都使用最有效的数据位来表示内容.对于由不同数据类型的多种元素组成的多媒体场景,应能对每个元素选择其编码的效率/质量.
Efficiency : The Lavender's distillate which comes from Hokkaido of Japan can ralax your skin and keep your skin fit. 功效特征:萃取自日本北海道的优质薰衣草精华,清淡柔和的薰衣草能舒缓面部肌肤之压力,并健康肤质。
Efficiency :a measure of how well or productively resources are used to achieve goals. 效率:衡量成效如何,或利用资源,实现目标.
Efficiency and fairness can inspirit each other, which not only conflicts and opposes but also connects and unites. 效率与公平之间存在著互激效应,它们之间不仅存在著冲突和对立,而且存在著联系和统一。
Efficiency can be measured in time,cost, labor, or value. 效率通过时间,成本,劳动或价值来测定。
Efficiency depends on good organization. 高效率依赖于良好的组织。
Efficiency does not always have priority. 效率不一定总是优先。
Efficiency is the resources consumed in achieving effectiveness. 效率是获得成效缩小好的资源。
Efficiency relates to the amount of resources consumed in being effective. 效率跟所消耗的资源数量有关。

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