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Tag naming can be independent of RIM class and attribute names.

Taft became President partly because the President before him, Theodore Roosevelt, pushed him into it. 塔夫特能够成为美国总统,部分原因是他的前任西奥多·罗斯福总统把他推上了这个位置。
Taft was by far the largest man ever to be President. 塔夫特总统是迄今为止(白宫)最重的总统。
Taft was secretly pleased that he had lost, and he left Washington in good humor. 塔夫特私下里很满意他的竞选失败,幽默地离开了华盛顿。
Tag line restrict swinging of load. 可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。
Tag location for gate and globe valves is typically on the valve yoke or body/bonnet flange. 闸阀和截止阀的标签位置通常在阀门轭架或阀体/阀盖法兰上。
Tag naming can be independent of RIM class and attribute names. 标签命名可以独立于RIM类和属性名称。
Tag questions are a form of polite speech. “我希望自己能认识她,你呢?
Taggable - Usually used to describe a spot (short ad or promotion) networks distribute to operators which allows for the operator to place its name and logo on air. 机动空挡-通常指全国性的电视网提供给地方有线电视播放公司的短小时段(短广告或宣传),供有线电视播放公司附上它自己的台名和标志一道播出。
Taggart has undertaken and successfully completed processing and material handling projects of all kinds on four continents for many of the world's leading coal and mineral manufacturers. 美国泰戈特公司的总部设立于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡市,同时在巴西、加拿大、俄罗斯和中国设有分公司和代表处。
Taggers face fines, community service and even jail time. 涂画者面临罚款、社区服务甚至坐牢的处罚。
Tagine offers the best Moroccan experience in Dubai. 摩洛哥炖菜馆会给你带来最美好的摩洛哥体验。

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