Here we used Wavelet and spectral analysis to different kind seismic waves in volcanic area, in order to pick up their spectral character and determine the type of these earthquakes.
本文对火山区不同种类的地震波形运用小波分析和频谱分析的方法,希望能提取不同类型火山地震的一些频谱特征,确定火山地震的类型。 |
Here we will give you some names of the sites of agencies and airline services that provide good offers so that you can go through those websites to be sure about the offers they offer.
这里我们给你一些名字,盘中机构和航空公司提供良好的服务,从而提供你可以通过这些网站可以知道它们提供投标. |
Here well-fed foreigners could live in their own little comfortable land of whisky-and-soda, polo, tennis, and gossip, happily quite unaware of the pulse of humanity outside the great city's silent, insulating walls — as indeed many did.
那些不愁吃穿的外国人能在自己的土地上过着舒适的生活,有着威士忌、苏打水、马球、网球和闲话为伴的生活使他们完全没有意识到大城市的安宁之外的人类的脉搏,心中筑起了与世隔绝的墙,确实就像许多人过去所做的一样。 |
Here were children his own age, some struggling on crutches and others trapped in emotional disorders he could not fathom.
这里的孩子与他年龄相仿,有些拄著拐杖挣扎前进,有的深陷他所无法理解的情绪漩涡里。 |
Here were reviewed the common classes of the ECMs and their physiological functions.
本文著重介绍这些雌蕊胞外基质的生理功能及其研究进展。 |
Here were the high and low, slaves and masters.
这里高低贵贱的人都有,有奴隶,也有主人。 |
Here were the paddy fields of the Canton delta, from which had sprung Sun Yat-sen and the Kuomintang revolution.
这里有边垂省份云南,此地有尚未开化的彝族部落。 |
Here will be submerged every one or two year when the river rises, it will be different view then.
每隔一、二年,河水的上涨会导致这里会被淹没,而那时又是另一番的景象。 |
Here words failed his lordship who went red in the face and said no more.
这位爵爷气得满脸通红,说不出话来,便不再说什么了。 |
Here world champion martial artists from diverse disciplines were pitted against a customized crash-test dummy outfitted with impact sensors.
在这儿,接受过不同训练的世界顶尖的格斗大师将与一个特别定做的装备有各种冲击力传感器的假人对决。 |
Here you are, 19 Ren-min-bi. Now you have lots of money.
哪,十九块人民币。现在你有很多钱。 |