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Leona: hello… is this the chief of police?

Leon Knight (raised £100,000 at Brighton), Joel Kitamirike (now at Dundee), Joe Keenan (on loan at Westerlo), Carlton Cole (on loan at Aston Villa), Robert Huth. 莱昂-奈特(目前在布里顿涨了10万英镑)、乔-基塔米里克(目前在邓迪)、乔-基南(目前租借给威斯特罗)、卡尔顿-科尔(目前租借给阿斯顿维拉)、罗伯特-胡特。
Leon Nacson: Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities. 利昂·纳可森:空气和水污染是我们关注的首要问题。
Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class. 利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。
Leon married her on the rebound, only a few weeks after his girlfriend left him. 里昂在他女友离开他之后的几个礼拜后,为了填补自己心理的空虚,取了她当太太。
Leona has a theory that kidnappers want to use the children to smuggle drugs and Captain Morton agrees with her. 利昂娜告的推理是,绑匪想利用孩子们走私毒品,莫顿队长也同意他的看法.
Leona: hello… is this the chief of police? 利昂娜:喂……是警察局长吗?
Leona: if you say so. 利昂娜:既然你都这么说了.
Leona: of course ! go after her ! we can't just sit around while she's dragged back into that awful lift. We can't let her be used by bad men again. 利昂娜:当然!去追他!我们不能只在这里等她被拉回到以往的那种苦日子.我们不能在让她受坏人的利用.
Leona: what happened? Did they get away? 利昂娜:怎么会是?他们逃跑了马?
Leona:I'll look…It's not here .You're right ! Oh ,Edward ! And I was just about to tell her I wanted to adopt her as my daughter. 利昂娜:我看看……地图不见了.被你说中了!喔!爱德华!我原本正打算考试她我想收养她当女儿.
Leona:No way.She couldn't have decided that ! London's pretty far away ,and doesn't have any money ,you know. 利昂娜:不可能.她不会做种决定!伦敦这么远,而且你知道,她身无分文.

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