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Amanda asks her friend, Celine, why she is eating so little, and Celine tells her that she is on a diet.

Amalgamation was the only alternative to going bankrupt. 联合起来是避免破产的唯一途径.
Aman who is sexually raring to go when he first awakens will often beconfused and frustrated by a partner who behaves like a zombie in themorning. 一个大清早醒来便渴望性欲得到满足的男人,看到伴侣表现得一副死鱼像时,常常会满脸的困惑和失望。
Aman will show no pain while taking the most ferocious be ating,but will wince when a woman triesto clean his wounds. 被毒打也不会露出痛苦表情的男人,却会在女人为他清洗伤口时退缩。
Amanda Johnson was born in New Orleans, of African-American parents. 阿曼达·约翰逊出生在新奥尔良,父母是亚裔美国人。
Amanda Millard, her co-owner, promised that Hannah will take time out from her favorite activities - digging in the mud and dining on foot wear - and honor the office of Beautiful Bulldog with style. 汉纳的另一位主人,阿曼达·米勒德承诺,汉纳将暂时停止自己最喜爱的两项活动--在泥里刨东西和啃鞋子,以高雅的举止来维护自己“最靓牛头犬”的形象。
Amanda asks her friend, Celine, why she is eating so little, and Celine tells her that she is on a diet. 雅曼妲问她的朋友小玲为什麽吃那麽少,小玲告诉她自己正在节食。
Amanda is home from college once again. 阿曼达又从学校回到家中。
Amanda must want to activate the stone dais as well. 阿曼达也肯定很想亲手触发那个石祭台。
Amanda, my first child, was right on target. 我的第一个孩子阿曼达是一个很合适的实验对象。
Amanda: I was completely mess. 我看起来糟透了.
Amanda: Sure thing. Anything for my favorite language partner. 亚曼达:当然好啰。我最爱的语言交换伙伴要我干嘛都好。

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