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She and her family were al avid readers.

She and I were contemporaries at college. 她和我在学院里是同学。
She and Katie have become close over the past two years through 44-year-old Tom's friendship with Real Madrid star David, and Tom even flew to Spain to catch a match. 辣妹和卡蒂在过去的两年里成为好友,是因为44岁明星阿汤哥和皇马球星小贝的友谊,阿汤哥曾飞到西班牙去看小贝的比赛.
She and graduate student Michael Kasumovic reported their research in the April issue of the journal Current Biology. 安德雷德及其研究生迈克尔?卡苏莫维克有关红背蜘蛛的这一研究发表在今年4月出版的《当代生物学》杂志上。
She and he seldom agree on anything. 她和他很少同意任何一件事。
She and her colleagues have attempted to reconcile the sometimes conflicting results obtained by previous researchers in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society. 她和她的同事一直在努力协调刚刚在皇家学会学报上发表的一篇论文中相互冲突的研究结果。
She and her family were al avid readers. 她和她的家人都酷爱读书。
She and her friends have parallel likes and dislikes. 她和她的朋友喜恶相同。
She and her husband Xu Deyan loved each other dearly. 她与丈夫徐德言感情深厚。
She and her husband are experiencing the seven-year itch and arguing all the time. (她和老公尝到七年难熬的经验,天天争吵。)
She and her husband got divorced two years ago. 两年前她同她的丈夫离了婚。
She and her husband went to prison for peddling drugs. 她和她丈夫因贩卖毒品而入狱。

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